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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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holy king of all shitty days...first off it has rained 5 inches today in Louisville and rainy days always suck for me...and evidently it is exponential with the rainfall.


I slept at my apartment last night instead of my parents house so at 8:30 I get a nice phone call from my mom telling me that today is the last day I have my car. She said if I want to move out I can start from scratch. That ruined my day all together. The fact that my own mother can do that to me knowing that then I would have no way to get to work or a way to get to practically anyplace just really bothers me. The sad part is that she told me tht she was supposed to transfer that car into my name last december when I got my GED. That didn't happen obviously. I ran a bunch of errands today and almost had 3 wrecks and almost got into a fist fight with a guy until his girlfriend started yelling at him to just leave. Then I go back to my apartment just in time to learn that a good friend of mine was just in a car wreck. My room mate goes to make sure she is ok. She is but her new car is completely destroyed and she got to spend 6 hours in the hospital getting x-rays and tests done to make sure she was alive.


I come home to my parents house and me and my mom get into a nice argument. i was hoping I could get the car for one last night so I could snap both of the axels and anything else I could break on the damn thing. Me and my dad argue a little biut and he is bitching about how I am not in school til I go out to my car and breing in my financial aide forms to show him. Me and him made a deal that I can have the car until january and if I don't start school then i have no car. that is fine with me because I plan to start school then anyways.


I am just really irked at how my mom is handling the whole me moving out situation. She can not fathom that I will still come home to help her and the rest of my family out. She is absolutely convinced that once I leave that she will never hear from me again. Everytime I try to tell her otherwise I get yelled at. When I first told her that I was moving out the first words out of her motuh were "well, don't expect any help at all from me." It really hurt to hear my own mother say that to me..she could have just said that I am dead to her. I am just hoping that after I leave me and her can both cool off and not always be at each others throats. I really hate how my family has become. I hate how my mom treats my sister I hate how my mom and dad never speaks...I hate my mothers constant lying and back stabbing. I am so tired of it and I am hoping that if I get away with it I won't go down witht eh sinking ship. I am trying so hard to save face with my family and I really am scared its not going to work.



zack morris

the emo nightowl

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Re: Re: dear mr. junkie of vinyl


Originally posted by vinyl junkie


i'm looking at a job that'll require a good chunk of driving 5 or 6 days a week, not including my usual 50 mile weekend commute... so i can probably convince my dad to co-sign on a lease or loan with me (my credit is already way fucked... can't get one on my own...)


also, did you drive the regular cooper, or the cooper s? if you had that much fun in a normal one, i can only imagine how much fun the s would be...


just wanted to get that on the current page before saying: i am bored shitless!!! i'm out for the night...

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haha i didnt mean pictures of me... (theyre scary) . but i heard some nightowl was sendin this one out or some shizznackel. but its cool. i meant i'd take pictures of things like..this little windup robot toy i got that sits on my monitor. he's dope his name is skeeter. or pictures of things i doodle when i'm bored. see nothin interestin really.


yoink i already saw that thread good stuff. i saw a lot of threads... since i am bored.


alright since i can't speak korean for jack shit.(i'm a disgrace)... i'm gonna use what i know...shim shim hae..that pathedic korean i try to speak was for you intangibler

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

also, did you drive the regular cooper, or the cooper s? if you had that much fun in a normal one, i can only imagine how much fun the s would be...


i belive it was the regular cooper

but it did have some nice rims and such so it might be the s

ill have to check next time she is there


either way it was fun as shit to drive around

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thats weird zacko.


normally with Mexican families the parents want the kids to stay at home. and white parents usually want their kids out with the quickness.


side note my aunt called today and my cousin moved out today as well.

rich little fucker.

younger than me and moving out already with NO roomates in Newport Beach a few blocks from the blvd.



my life sucks

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