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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by Pistol

my uncle went to some place that put out an ad. and it was one of those things to sell knives. but you had to buy a set or someshit.



sounds like my place...today I made $167 in about 4 hours...its a good job the thing is its just a pain in the ass when your starting out.

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Originally posted by Pistol

I wonder what deliss looks like?

What happened to her funny brother?


i bet she looks --> :yum:

haha that ateam kid, he was funny at times if i remember correctly


well ive been working on my truck since i got home a few hours ago

more pics will be up tomorrow :)

im off to bed now, actually i think i need a shower cause i smell like ick :o


well gnite all.

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Originally posted by Zack Morris

and to top it off the girl who I am taking out refer to me as "one of dem boys from da city


what are you doing? fucking a farmers daughter? :lol:

give me a trailer park chick and ill be happy for hours.

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be a manwhore working for zacko. like when said he might keep most of the money but at least it goes to a fellow nightowl.


selling knives to customers could make some bling. but it might be a occupational hazard considering the johns would probably knife them after.

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Originally posted by Pistol

selling knives to customers could make some bling. but it might be a occupational hazard considering the johns would probably knife them after.


the scars only add to a hoes street credentials.

plus if they die im sure zack has a large stable.

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fuck i am going to sleep. but first. funny story.


My friend was messing around with this one chick.

Me and my other friend are driving around and see her and her friend. They are not hot to def but it's like 2am on a tuesday night so we pull up. Theycome back with us. My homie is kicking it with one in his garage. Across th street in this dead end is like a tiny park/strip of grass. So I go there with this other broad. I'm looking at her her and she has tatts on her hands and arms. And some fucking gnarly ass scars like she was a fucking hardcore gangbanger or vietnam vet. I was like eww. So I wasn't trying to fuck or nothing. Just keep her entertained enough so my homie can get his dig on with the other slut. So whatever i'm smoking my cig and she goes "have you ever been with a man before?" I was like WTF? I was like is tis fucking broad i mean dude trying to tell me something? So I pretended like I got a page (this was years ago when people still had pagers) went to my homie and told him. Then we came up with some shit like we had to go pick up some ish so we had to drop them off. Actually that story is more scary than funny but oh well.

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Yhea but to do so...I need money...so it keeps me stuck in a never ending cycle of retardation, Pistol....that story is ummmm....well lets just say I woulda stabbed someone...of course if they made a move...and probably if they didnt too....And its 4am im tired...sleep time is now..DPC/NightOwls adios and Mahalo.

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