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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Damn kid,you've been gone for days.......when you get back here..it's on.oh yeah,bring me back some Sakuras,will you?.....you still owe me some shit.peace.

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thats the worst feeling, being stoned and not finding something. its been year since thats happened, but i remember one time i lost my shoes somewhhere in my house. i could not fucking figure out whre the hell i took them off. random story, but yeah, that sucks.


unless, of course, you find it uncontrollibly funny, which isnt quite as bad.

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ATTN: anyone who can help


okay does anyone know how to get someones home address

off of the interent or a program of some sort?

all i have is this persons email address and its of upmost importance

that i find their street address

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I would try to help you, but that's alot more work than you think to find someone's info given just an email.... espescially if the email is from some place like hotmail or yahoo or some shit. I'm going to bed, good luck with your killings When.



ps. that girl that I know is sexy right! I wanna be her undercover boyfriend, she's in a relationship meh...

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Originally posted by Dirty_habiT

espescially if the email is from some place like hotmail or yahoo or some shit. I'm going to bed, good luck with your killings When.



ps. that girl that I know is sexy right! I wanna be her undercover boyfriend, she's in a relationship meh...


its not a generic email addy

its... @msx.ndc.mc.uci.edu


im not going to kill the guy im just going to fuck him up real bad


yes that girl is dead sexy alright, damn relationships

i swear

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my loooooove, my love for you is stronger than dirt, stronger than dirt.




so last night was eventful. so eventful that some dude calls me every couple of hours telling me he is going to kill me. oh, i also beat the shit out of some kids that were doing the graffiti in my friends apartment complex.


i love excitement.


fucking rock. & i havent been near a computer for about 3 days. maybe less.

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Originally posted by YG Blood

do you know his name?


i do not. my before you leave a voice mail message is now telling him if he wants to kill me we are going to have to meet somewhere because unless he is trying to kill me by giving me cancer through frequent use of my cellphone, he wont be able to.

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Re: ATTN: anyone who can help


Originally posted by When

okay does anyone know how to get someones home address

off of the interent or a program of some sort?

all i have is this persons email address and its of upmost importance

that i find their street address


start by going here and enter the full email header, thats all i know

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Originally posted by YG Blood

he misses Northtown mall


Northtown is for faggot kids who rock blue or red bandanas and wear Fubu.....and hold it down in the food court.....fuck that shit.

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Guest willy.wonka

yo man...some of you other fools need to check out hawaii..is intangblefame rich or something?i still havent seen him yet cause some of the boys he runs with are pusses...not bashin on uncle boy, but i am for him not bringing tangi to the party.he would have loved it..another reason for him to come out to visit again.

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Originally posted by willy.wonka

yo man...some of you other fools need to check out hawaii..is intangblefame rich or something?i still havent seen him yet cause some of the boys he runs with are pusses...not bashin on uncle boy, but i am for him not bringing tangi to the party.he would have loved it..another reason for him to come out to visit again.


I'm broke as fuck,as is my boy Zem****........we have to pull capers at stores to get ends.....fuck,if some of you Hawaii heads talked to Intang...and helped me or or him or my b Z out...try and pawn some loot together for a ticket........you would not be disappointed.....shit would on.....right then and there.....I don't think he is rich...he just some dough for some damn reason or another....no clue.....we just put him down with our skawd......all you "H"eads seem cool as fuck....regardless of all the beef I have peeped on the Hthread....peace,Wills.....1L.

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Originally posted by willy.wonka

we just dont throw as much ragers as we used to...:(



I don't care,we could rage "brown-baggin" 40's around downtown or whatever....I don't know what the laws are like,but if have your beer concealed and you don't act intoxicated then the one time can't fuck with you.......that's my type of party.....reeking havok....shit,get fucked up under a bridge or whatever.....and then go out writing....

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