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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by When

thats one sexy mailbox



ive told some people i know my hobbie was looking at letterboxes

they were so confused and didnt belive me

but when i was drunk i was saying yea thats a niec bricked letterbox etc

was a funny laugh

now i tell em im going to go out for a while n get some fotos of letterboxes and they belive it, yet im really just watching tv


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what do you call an owl with armor on??















































































































a knight owl!! baha.





anyhow. earlier this week...i just found out that im pregnant. so im gonna be a mommy. ;] so my partying days are over... and thats fine with me.. i'm happy.



well. i'm really tired so im off to bed. i just moved back into my dads house..before he moves to az.. and man i really miss cable modem.. 56k sucks.. right now my connetion is 38k..hah i could run around the block before one fucking page uploads... so ill talk to you guys later. ill dowloand aim later.. and talk to you all on there .. peaceeeeeeeeeee ZzzzzZ

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Guest sneak

wow, thats great alure!


i had a funny experience with the police last night. me, 2mates and a girl (who was going out with one of the other people i was with) had got kicked out of a shit party for smoking cigarettes.


so we were walking along this main road with beers in hand when one of the guys im with spots a perfect place behind a bush to take a piss. while he was gone, me, the girl and the other guy were just standing about when we see a white van pull up. i immediately clock that its the 5-0. all they ended up doing was taking our beer then deciding to give it back after they realised that we were "nice guys" and because when asked if we wanted to sawp a "joint" for our beers we replied no..


one thing to do though when faced with the police is to laugh at their jokes...

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Originally posted by alure

anyhow. earlier this week...i just found out that im pregnant. so im gonna be a mommy. ;]

i just moved back into my dads house..before he moves to az..


i would say congratulations but ill save that.

as i say to all my female friends...

are you sure that you *really* want this kid?

can you support it?

can you devote all of your time to it?

are you *really* ready?


i mean youre young and still have alot of things ahead of you

all im saying is think about it, a kid isnt an easy thing to have

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Originally posted by sneak

krie and big joe....use msn or whatnot to chat and call each other names.



i dont talk to him he only comes on here and just gives shit to anyone who he can find at the time..

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hey alure, good luck to you... and i'm sure you've thought this through, so cheers...


as for those sketches, i painted one of em, it turned out ok... i did it with scrap cans, so i didn;t get the ideal colors, and it was smaller than i would have liked (only about 8 by 6 feet or so) but pretty decent for my first time trying... no pics yet, and it'll probably be done by the time i would get an opportunity, but i'm hoping to be able to do it again, bigger this time, before too long, and i'll definately bring a digi when i do it...

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Originally posted by When

i would say congratulations but ill save that.

as i say to all my female friends...

are you sure that you *really* want this kid?

can you support it?

can you devote all of your time to it?

are you *really* ready?


i mean youre young and still have alot of things ahead of you

all im saying is think about it, a kid isnt an easy thing to have


when.. i've put alot of thought into it.. and im ready.. thats all i have to say..i have my reasons to justify having this child.. but its all been heard already.. so ill save you the explainations.. and really i dont care what anybody else thinks.. cause in the end..its just gonna be me and my baby anyway..




thanks vinyl;] effyoo;] sneak;]


one thing that is a complete culture shock..is not being able to smoke any more cigs or pot.. or even drink.. but now is a better time then any to quit the bad habits right.. i cant even drink coffee.. or soda.. which sucks.. but juice and milk is good too haha.


tommorow i have an open house session at aol call center.. that i have to go to.. its really great my dad fixed the beemer for me to find a job after i came home. he is leaving next month..i still have to find a roommate.. ;/.. whoever lives with me.. we each only have to pay 250 plus utilities..which is a great deal for my house.. 3 bedroom.. (2 master bedrooms with own bathroom) 2 car garage, huge sunroom, acre and half backyard.. 2 living rooms.. and he is gonna pay the rest of the rent.. and im gonna be really picky about who lives with me.. the one guy i want .. doesnt know if he wants to ..because his pit bull cant move in..cause of my rottweiler.. then my other friend who is female..doesnt know if she wants to cause its kinda far from her school.. bleh blah. i dont mind paying 500 by myself.. but the quicker i get a roommate would be better..to start saving up money.

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i wasnt trying to be a dickwad alure

i just know the things that have happened to my lady friends

best of luck to you


*and if you cant stop smoking cold turkey

step down to ultra lights,

this was the advice from a doctor when one of my friends was pregnant

it didnt affect the baby in the slightest

although im sure it would be better to just quit

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when, i didnt think you were trying to be a dickwad;]

i wasnt trying to sound bitchy.. yeah i know it wont be easy..



yeah.. its hard cause alot of my friends smoke.. but i've quit cold turkey.. i still get the cravings..but i slowed down on smoking before i even got pregnant cause i had wanted to quit.. so it wasnt that hard.


i hope i have a girl. but just because i said that i'll probally have a boy.

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hahah..nice immunity..



i have 2 little sisters that i raised.. and i just like doing there hair.. and buying them barbie dolls.. watching sailormoon with them.. i dont know.. the older one is a tomboy.. but i dont know i still just want a girl.. although the teenage years will be tougher.. and little boys are so much more hyper.. i was watching my friends 2 and half year old son.. jump over the couch doing somersaults between us.. running around the room.. crawling under the table.. continously opening and closing the dishwasher.. squirting us with a water gun..all fucking day without a nap.. and boys stink.. haha.. i dont know..i've just always wanted a girl.

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Originally posted by alure

i was watching my friends 2 and half year old son.. jump over the couch doing somersaults between us.. running around the room.. crawling under the table.. continously opening and closing the dishwasher.. squirting us with a water gun..all fucking day without a nap.. and boys stink..


exactly my point.

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grrr.. i hear my dog barking all crazy outside.. look out the window and a piece shit dog is up against the fence barking and growling at my dog.. i was so pissed..its fucking 2:30 in the morning.. i ran outside with a fucking shovel.. i wanted to beat the shit out of the dog.. but it ran away.. couple of nights ago when i was walking my dog..it was loose barking at saint..and i had to hold him back..next time i'm gonna let him loose to fucking kill him..



then i told my dog good boy.. and pet him all kinds..cause fuck man..im gonna get scared sometimes.. living with myself..or another female.. in a huge ass house.. im glad i have a rottweiler;]

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