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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest sneak
Originally posted by When

its always those damned aussies

land of criminals i tell you, land of criminals


thats cos we (the english) sent our cons to aus....

yet they still beat us at sports we invented....cricket/football...

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Guest sneak

watch yo mouth when!!

we gots a super kid coming up in our football (soccer) team...


gwarn wayne roony...17years old and an england player. outstanding

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Guest ctrl+alt+del

doesnt the US got a wonderkid we stole from like Kenya? i think hes like 13 or somthin and practices with a pro team or some shit. saw it last year on the 60 minutes i think.

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oh lordy.



holly shit. i feel so shitty. i have an interview today. blarg. i've been sleeping for the last 24 hours and taking lots of cough medicine with alotta codine. my head feels way to heavy. i dont know how i'am ever going to get ready to go to an interview. i hope i get better soon.


ragso: yo fool. you still coming down here? give me a call before you bounce out... so i know. I chilled with avol and plot on saturday.. they make me laugh. how's things?



must go lay back down.. me so sleepy. alure oner.

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well, well, well aliens...


i have dug myseklf a biut of a whiole tonight...i'm all full of drugdsss......but ithink i'm fianny gonna let them do what they're sposed todo, and go to sleep in a bit...


i wass gonna post a picture of mine in here but the seemesmil.com seems to not ber werkinh...

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bout november last year i was issued with a street drinkin fine, so i appealed it like a week afterwards. they sent me a letter today! fukn today, wot, 5mnths later saying pretty much "blah blah crap, u owe us $80!"


my excuse was "it wasnt me some one else must have given u that name, i was stayin with 8 other ppl in the hotel room on the island, it could have be any one of them that gave my name"


i was so drunk i didnt think to give a fake name ? haha <--idiot!

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yeah thats whot i was thinkin, when i first got it i was worried bout the whole thing just gonna come bak n bight me in the ass and id pay shitloads more of a fine then the original one. so i think i shall just pay it eh.


just means my girls one year anneversy present will be on hold for a lil bit till i re-cooperate the funds

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i got out of a speeding fine ! WOo Hoo :D i was driving my mates car and went threw a camera and got a fine, but that was contested and i got outta it haha

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<--had court today.


What a long day.

1st-The cop told me to go to the court which is about 45 min to an hour away. And on the ticket he checked that i go to that one. NOT the court in my city where the incident fuckin occured also. So I wake up at 5:30am. drive for a while in this shitty town that nobody likes. i get there. They're like You're suppose to be at "....." at 9 am. Its 8:30 at that moment. Then I explain the officer told me its here, the ticket says its here. So they call, and say okay we can do it here. Then I go to the court room. Wait for a couple hours. And they say "yeah, you're suppose to be in simi. Then i explain what happened. ANd she says okay, let me see if I can transfer you. me,"but they said they took care of it". blah blah. Then I wait for another hour to be called up. I almost fell asleep judge guy dickhead yelled . Then some crazy looking girl , an inmate was staring at me throuhg the gate wall thing that they are kept in. blah blah. slfdjk;salj. THen i finally got to leave the place. score. I got fines, work release. damn. I just want it to be over. Oh yah and probation for 3 years.shucking fit.


Whatever you guys are selling , I will sell it if i have it. I need the $$$bling, badly. Are you selling your bodies for cash? That would be sweet.

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Also this biker looking bad ass sat next to me. And when he went up, the judge was reading all his convicitions , charges etc. He was saying : battery, theft, assault,..... the list went on and on. Kind of scared me. ANd then for every charge you have to sign this form, and fill some stuff out, the guy got about 7 or 8 forms. And while filling them out next to me he kept saying stuff like 'oh god i hate this mother fuckin shit" "fucking shit" " argh fuckin..".."oh fuck that mother fuckin judge"..just mumbling that.. crazy guy and his shananigans.It was funny. Maybe you had to be there.

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