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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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okay peeps, i'm officially putting myself on the ballot for nighthood, owl style. a few reasons:

got a lot of friends reppin no, mainly 455, when, pistol, intang, etc.


i've been writing 14 years and really live for graff, and it seems like the no's are writers too, not just net nerds. although i am a bit of a net nerd.


i would also love to be the first to rock a big ass no roller and post it on here, unless its already been done.


oh, and vinyl junkie's post crack me up, fucking tatted mfer seems like a cool kid.


fuck it, i'll even go find teaser and whoop his little g-tard ass, lol... just playin tease....


so, vote away, ragsoewastoidballotmuthafuckeroner-

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ragsoe gets my vote... seems he thinks i'm cool, so that's good enough for me... plus he apparently brought alure here, and she's rad... so werd... thunmbss up...



now for my friday noight post...


to start: fuck you whore!!!

now then... i hung out with this girl tonight... we went bowling and drank a bunch... drinking and bowling is quite fun actually... and when it gets to the point where you launch the balsl down the lane and fall over immediatrlyt after the ball tleaves your hands it gets even funner... lots of beer and lots of 7&7's... we played 5 games i think and we both scored between 40 and 60 each game pretty much...

so that was fun... i hadn't poout with her in a whiel... she's rad...

now for the fuck you whore part... i helped this girl move yesterday... i spent all fucking day hauling shit in my truck and shoving shit up and down stairs.. this is that girl i've talke dabout before htat i

'm way too fucking lin love with... and we hardly ever hang out any more, cuz she's "way too busy with work and school"... like we usedw to hang out every fuking day, and until a couple weeks ago we hadn't even seen each othe rin a month and a hlaf... so i helop hwe move all fucking day, we're sposed to hang out that night, but she decides shes too tired, but she says she'll call me tomorrow night (as in tonight) when she's having a bunch of people over to celebrate her getting her own place... so i get no call tonight... hence the fuck you whore...

i really like this girl- one of the best friends i've ever had, but if i ever get drunk around her again, i have a feeling i'll end that friend ship reela fucking quick...


i fucking hate people...

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

ragsoe gets my vote... seems he thinks i'm cool, so that's good enough for me... plus he apparently brought alure here, and she's rad... so werd... thunmbss up...


aw vinyl, that was sweet! ;) when we going bowling with the side bumpers set up cause i cant play worth shit..and eat some greazzzy onion rings and burgers? hehe.. want me to beat that girls ass? i'll take a bowling bowl and bash in her face and knock out her teeth:beat: and then throw her in the street and you can get in your truck and reverse over her k?



ragsoe: come back hurry ;[ .. you've got mail!

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my night was lame...

-went to arcade "wooo". made fun of this stupid girl that looked like vanessa carlton on crack. she was all dressed up for the fucking arcade.wearing some furry animal murderer vest with a retarded slutty skirt and some ugly ass boots with cowboy fringes. no,im not fashion police. but she pointed at me and said something. so i said "ahh hell naw". and made fun of the way she walked. yeah im fucking immature but i was bored.

-went to del taco. cool skater trash kids came. started shit with my friend. i yelled at them some randomness and left because i thought they were gonna beat me with their skateboards or something.

-went to my freinds house . party thing.. there were some fucking old guys who only spoke spanish and somehow they ended up at her house and we were trying to make a plan to get them to leave . they looked like damn rapists.

-went to some stupid party. walked in saw all the people from high school i disliked and left. then i had to go to the bathroom so we went to ralphs . took a nap on the hammock there. read magazines. then some kids in a truck drove while video taping saying shit like "ching chong etc..". because we're damn asians. we just laughed . assholes. its like junior high shit. i yelled white trash and ran inside ..yeah, im a pussy.

-went driving in scary mountains.came home. "woo".

yeha it was fuckign lame and until i typed that just now i'm now realizing how much this town fuckin sucks more than i thought before. too much racist fucks. but im kind of use to it. oh this is deliss. hi.

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yea so im not sure if ive been here in the past three nights or so

so what have i been doing? well long story short

ive been getting faced with this girl i know and fucking the shit out of her

so yea 12oz fell along the wayside, i think i may have come on here

last night but im thinking i just stared at the screen and didnt respond

pints of newcastle, american spirits and pussy, my anti-12oz.

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haha good work, i got house to myself, so my girl is bringin pizza round then we gonna get down to some business. so 12oz gets a skip tonite from me later on as well

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