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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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pastillas? what time are you talking about? i got some funny memories.... me and task always laugh about that time we spent all that money and you farted in the car and he threwup hahahaha or when it took you like 10 mins to get down the ladder after everyone else had gone down already and we were all looking up at you and you couldnt talk ..but no matter how fucked up you were you could still paint..;] damn funny times funny times and the pastilla storys are out of control.. or zazobra burning man!! smoking a j with no security in the jail!! ;D

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i am really fucking bored... so i'm gonna tell you all about my weekend...


friday night was kind of a bust... first i drove with my friend for almost an hour, so he could go pick up his girlfriend, cuz her car died...

then we went to a 'party' at a friend's studio, which ended up being less than a dozen people sitting in the parking lot drinking warm budweiser... one of the other people who pays rent on the studio said no one could hang out inside cuz of some fancy as microphone... so we hung out for about half an hour, i bought them more beer, and then we left... but while i was there, i saw a friend i haven't seen in a couple months, and got invited to get put on the guest list for a show they were playing the next night, and i'd get a free ride there... anyways, after leaving the studio we just hung out at a coffee shop for a while, and then i went home and crashed pretty early...


saturday... i slept in late, played video games, and then went to the tattoo shop for a couple hours... then i rode my bike for about an hour to go meet the girl who was giving me a ride to the show... i was meeting her at the restaurant she werks at, at the mall... i got there, and while i was locking up my bike, some lady in her late 30's comes up to me, gets right in my face, and says, "i'm sure people have better things to do than give me a hard time"... i was totally confused, and just said "excuse me?"

to which she replied "yes, you're excused" and walked away... then she totally ingored me when i started shouting obsceneties at her...

anyways, went in, my friend got my a table in her section, and i grubbed on free fries and free coke... then her friend shows up, who also coming to the show...

Originally posted by vinyl junkie

last night i spent the night with this girl i totally had a crush on in high school...

this girl...

i hadn't seen her in probably 2 years or so...

so we go to the show, i drink some beerand smoke too much, flirt with girl, and that's about it... after our friend's band plays, we head up tp their house... where i drink a bunch more beer, spill a bunch of it on the couch, box with the cat, and take part in convincing two girls to make out... after people start crashing out, girl that i had a crush on, tells me she can give me a ride back to my bike, or better yet i should just stay at her house... so we drive back to home town, get my bike, go to her house, and yeah...

then today i slept in till one, rode my bike home, played video games some more, went out and test drove an infinity fx45, and now i'm here...

woo... good weekend over all...

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