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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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yes..a saturday at home. wooh. friends went to try stealing props from this movie they're filming in the next town over. i'm just in a stay at home, catchup on school work,eating rice and kimchee kind of mood. i am bored beyond...yeah. and I can't concentrate on my term project that was due 2 weeks ago. i really love boredom...er...=/...


i hate arnold schwaraoirtjal;jfld.

but ..I do like my chapstick... and these korean cookies you dip in strawberry cream thing ..yeah..

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el barto: those things rock!


nightowls: hey hey! i'm not quite as drunk as i was a couple hours ago...

i got to catch up with my best friend who i haven't talked to in a couple af weeks... werd... i went to my buddy's going away party earlier tonight... got good and drunk, met a bunch of people, had my black book hit up, only to realize a few hours later that it was hit by total fucking legends... again, werd... in the morning i get to drive home and then immediately get on public transportation and head back up here to help my friend pack (the guy who's party it was) and drink some beer and pass out... in the morning i drive his car down to LA (new ass eclipse... werd!) over the next few days i kick it with him and deliss and what ever other rockstar writers my buddy meets up with and party like it's 1999... then i head home again... see yall in about a week... woo!

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

This entire weekend has been an absolute waste of my time. I didn't do anything worthwhile, except maybe getting terribly stoned last night, watching Blade II on a ridiculous home theater setup and nearly crapping myself. Everything else has been supremely fucking stupid and worthless. And fuck the cold. I'm gonna draw robots now. Bye. Beer,


El Mamerro

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thats no good...the whole wasted weekend thing...just worked alot and have no friends...I went painting earlier so that was good...3 nice autoracks...but umm yeah...my cats tried to kill me becuase I was eating tuna salad. I have a stack of 12 schlitz malt liquor cans sitting next to me..I think I am going to take it and break it down so that I have 4 stacks of cans and make a nightstand out of them...that would be rad..it would go with my schlitz clock and party lights.

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

No robots yet.


Making beer can furniture is fucking rad. Sophomore year, me and my roomate's brother, who was visiting from PR, drank like 6 cases of beer in one week, and kept all the cans. We epoxied like 80 or so of them together and made ourselves a nice little coffee table (the top was covered with cafeteria trays), and plunked it down in the end of the dorm hallway, next to an old Cadillac backseat that we had found in the basement. The whole shit collapsed on us like two weeks later when we tried to actually put things on it. The moral of the story?


Never trust 5-minute epoxy to hold your beer together. Beer,


El Mamerro

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my coffee table is pretty neat. its a 3 foot by 5 foot sheet of glass we found on top of 6 crates of dead spray paint cans...I know its simple but its neat...plus it it covered in cut vinyl stickers a friend o fours makes.


my coffee table will be neat I am just trying to figure out what to use as a good table top...have to remember this is just going to be a place for my ashtray and a beer to siti might go out and walk through alley looking for something that would be a good table top.

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goddamnit! for the past two days i havent been able to get onto this board. i thought i got banned or something. but tonite it worked.

well im at my moms now, and things are going decent so far.

i hope it continues this way.


the thing that pissed me off the most was that i couldnt get vinyl's email address because i couldnt get onto this fucking site to get it to email him.

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I think I am starting to turn into a pot head..................................................................................................please help..............................................yeah so a friend asked me and my room mate to help him move his office furniture...and in payment we were treated to a $57 meal..................shit was crazy

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