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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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im a fuckin moron. theres this art project due tues. i finished it today.. i was putting a touchup on it .. and well..somehow my stupid ass tipped the ink over right onto the tablet of paper. oh well gotta start over. thats what i get for doing things early. i'll ljust stick to procrastinating..

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Im not goin to the ghetto fair we have here...because its stupid...and I hate how the smell of horses and sheep and cows some how drift over to where the rides are...and carnies that tell the police that your hassling them to give you free stuff....I say go back to the halfway house with you....so then I can take free stuff.....

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Guest willy.wonka

that trips me out..like my own krw now..i have paint..i hve money,but for some reason nobody gives me a call?they know i have nothing else better to do...they know i live right around the freakin corner from where they were at...i just dont get it.i thought it was cool, like oh, its only 3 of you guys..then they post pics and there was a buncha people..

that shit is wack.especially getting blown off like that..

makes me wanna drop shit and be solo again.i almost get caught bombin for my crew and i hate to bomb..i just like to piece..well i dont hate bombing.out of the whole crew i gain little respect from the older guys..why, i dunno..i never see the rest of my crew...and now they go piecing with other crews without giving me a call?come'on now..shit like that hurts my feelings..it seem like im the one who has to call so and so to go paint.

shit is wack to me.

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Guest uncle-boy

aww willy dont be so bummed.

no-one called you cause we didnt want you to burn all of us.

i didnt know everyone was gonna be there till i pretty much got there.

and hey i called you last week to go peicing and you passed. and i aint even in your crew!!!

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Guest willy.wonka

i didnt have paint last week.the thing is..i just called to go paint.and they were already down there...i wasnt trippin.til now.its a bummer thats all.i was talkin to tangy about it..he knows.i woulda been down there doing characters all day if i was invited..but i wasnt.

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