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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest willy.wonka

my boy sirmanofslur emailed me about florida..


"dude, i am like a model out here. all of the guys out here have buck teeth and are about as smart as a retarded scholar. lol. all day, chicks drive past me asking me if i have a girl friend or they straight come up to me and say, " you're cute" . now, i won't lie. but 34 's of these bitches are straight hot to trot ( no joke ). but the other 14 are straight springer , trailor trash. this one girl came up to me and said," you have pretty teeth". i couldn't stop laughing and then it almost turned into tears cuz it made me realize, how much of a hillbilly, redneck ass town i was living in."
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Originally posted by Zack Morris

owls I need advice...a friend of mine has left her phone number in her away message...should I call and mess with her?


I was think about pretending to be a dirty old manbut if you all have other persona's for me to take over let me know



yep.do it.

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yeah i got out of work early today too.. 8.30 ... yep.. i think i took in too much sugar today though.....i had 2 giant mountain dews from kfc, and a bag of starburst for breakfast... and now i'm eating the one pound bag of crispy m&m's..... my hands are shaky... my heart is about to explode... i think i'm going to develop some bad diabetes.... oh well..

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congrats fellow nightowl.



on a side now, fuck the movie requiem for a dream...it has ruined my night. I feel like shit because I watched that fucking movie. It can eat a dick.




this means its a great movie but I have decided I never want to watch it again because it made me feel like shit

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Today I put on some "loungin' around the house pants to go out of my room to take a leak pants", and guess what i found 40 freakin dollars. woohoo. i thought I was broke. so i did what i had to do. went to best buy and bought a 2 pack DVD Carlitos Way & Casino for 27.00

i tell ya i got a hole burning in my pocket. either that or lose it again for good.

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Originally posted by cornelius

i guess that would do it..... a whole group of late nighters is dangerous.. it'll make you do strange things... like spend all of your time posting on an internet message board...


Exactly...and I see that your on aim...and I would chat..but I stayed up all last night...and now I need to get a few hours of sleep in...so ill be back when i wake up probably...unless i go do something...haha what are the chances of that...

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hahaha... yeah... i think i'm not sleeping until tomorrow or the next day.. after last night's mass consumption of sugar.... i have enough sugar in my system to keep 10 people awake for a week.... starburst, m&m's, and cherry coke will do it..... i didn't eat anything else until just a few minutes ago, when i made french toast for breakfast.... mmmm..

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Guest willy.wonka

funny thing pistol..i guess my homie bought caps off of you or somethin, cause we were walkin around town hittin up and all of a sudden,he busts out the oolong stickers...i was like,"what the fuck?!"

i was kinda trippin out..well, kinda funny.

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