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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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my computer got all goofy last nightand i had to restart it... then while it was booting up i passed out... that was about 2am i think, and it's about 1pm now... and i just woke up... this is nice...


as for new york, my friend has to check with his grandparents, but it looks like i'm going... he's even gonna let me use his frequent flier miles to get over there... also, it won't be happening quite as soon as i thought... he has to wait to get someone to live in the apartment he's in now before he leaves, and the person who was gonna rent it bailed... so it looks like i'll be playing the homeless game for a little bit and then it's off to new york...:)

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why the job hunt sucks... me and a friend have been talking to each other for a while about how much it sucks to be looking for a job around here, and just now she started telling me about her newest job prospect:


This girl: slop.e

que slop: i hate you and hope you die. i don't wanna talk to you... just leave me alone, ass! note: this is an automated response... i'm an equal opportunity hater (my away message)


que slop: yeah, whatever...

This girl: aww.

This girl: hi vinyl.

This girl: something the matter?

que slop: nope... that's always my away message... i was getting cigarettes...

This girl: haha

que slop: i only have 3 away dealies... that one, the i'm peeing... ON YOU! one, and the i need food one...

This girl: i have a job interview to be an admissions assistant for the transpersonal psychology institute.

This girl: i have no idea what that means.

que slop: NONONO!!!!!!!!!!

que slop: one word, SCIENTOLOGY

que slop: for real

This girl: NO

This girl: fuck scientologists

This girl: they're fucking nuts

This girl: OH SHIT i just figured out what transpersonal psychology means. i bet these people are all NUTS

que slop: hang on...

This girl: aye aye

que slop: yeah... and they give you this test to see if you'll fit the job... a personality test... and then they'll say: "well, it seems pretty good, but there's some areas in here that need work. but we'll give you the job anyway... and while you're training we'll work on these personality problems..."


work on your personality problems... as in brainwash you! i'm not kidding... my buddy xxx went to a job interview with them and finally got too creeped out after the we'll work on you thing...

This girl: the scientologists?

This girl: i know xxx.


que slop: yeah... he applied with them...

This girl: ahahaha

que slop: spooky creepy shit, huh?

This girl: they've had an ad in the my town daily forEVER

que slop: yeah... that's where he found it...

This girl: i called once, because it was vague. said they just needed a receptionist. they set up an interview with me and they were like "ok we're located on blahblah elcamino .. says 'church of scientology' on the front of the building"

This girl: im all .. "uh i got another call, hold on" and hung up

que slop: yeah... they totally don't want you to know...

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i always see those fuckers @ the mall in the book store. Givng away free stress tests. Then they find out wow you are stressed. Then they say the can help you etc. But they never say they are scientologist. I trip out on them while i'm browsing to see if I should buy stuff and fhm along with my maxim.

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got it on ebay today.

i've looked all the places i thought i could find a copy. I was gonna rent one from blockbuster and then "lose" it and pay 20 bucks for it but someone else beat me to that. I went to a computer show here in LA where they also sell DVD's thinking some bootlegs would be available but nada. So i finally decided to buy it on ebay. my girl is paying half for me so it's not that bad.

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