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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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I got I got my ears pierced about 6 years ago. But the last year or two I hardly ever wear them. They're just regular no stretched ones. But at least they stay after months of no earrings. I had the top part of my ears done about 5-6 years ago. They hurt like hell when I would try to sleep, cause I sleep on my sides. Those were gone in a week.


I feel like getting a new tat.

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Guest uncle-boy

2 cents


i like tats way better than peircings.


i got a tat a while ago, it was done by Bible from HB. it's pretty minor. incanse anyone gives a rats ass.

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Have no fear Pistol is here.

Tattoo's don't really hurt as much as people say.

Well it depends on where your getting it done. Meaning what part of the body. Also how many needles is the guy using for your work. The more needles the more it hurts.

Arms don't hurt for shit. Although it started to hurt a little when he got to the soft part near the armpit. But no biggie. When I got mine above my elbows it didn't hurt at all. It was my first one and I was expecting killer pain. But nada. My chest did hurt a bit. But nothing to worry about.

get the tat already ASER, you know your fat.;)

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getting them on the back of your calf on up to the back of yuour knee is no fun. But both the guys that I go to have really heavy hands and go really close to blowout land but just high enough to not blow out but have th tat hold color.


But I can't stand it anymore I feel like I am locked ina cage I am going to go out for some early morning street bombing..later guys.

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Guest willy.wonka

so whats everybody so pissed about?

i feel great.(lie)

im pretty tired for some reason,kike my energy is low.i think i need more crack.

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