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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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....i'm not joking...out of our circle of friends ben (the boyfriend) is the only person that can stand her. She is annoying to the point sometimes we all feel the need to fidn something else to do than hang out with ben when he brings stupid along.....I could seriously write a fucking essay on the things I hate about her.

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Originally posted by EarMuffs@Nov 7 2004, 03:02 AM

explain nigga....



well, first of all, my homies back window on his car had a rock thrown through it, while we were sitting 20 ft away, and we had no clue it happened. we removed the whole thing and left my apt area. picked up a homie and went to this bitches house. this truck was creepin up on us so my homie started yelling at them, haha, for the next couple hours we smoked, you know, ciggs right? haha, then we went to this gastation, and these dudes rolled up in a white car, they were all drunk n shitfaced, we could smell the booze as soon as we pulled up, they had there own driver and everything, some old black dude in a suit. then a car of bitches roll up to the right of us and the drunk guys start spit'n game. which proved to be the most hilarious thing ive seen in a long while, this corney lookin white guy kept calling this girl brown sugar, haha. so like, 6 more cars pull up with there own drivers and shit, and nothing but drunk people. they told us to follow them, but my homie had to get home with the car, he figured his parents would already be piseed that the back window was gone. caught some tags, smoked some more, and crashed out at home, shit was fresh.

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Originally posted by When@Oct 4 2004, 09:29 PM

long time no see there partners.

yes the When has been away

bet you all forgot about me huh?

thought i was dead in a gutter, or over dosed on jager.

well fuck you for thinking such horrible things.


so kids hows it going around these parts?

basically i havent been on here because i moved into a new apartment and have no internet access, so im up at the local junior college, stealing their bandwidth, yay for me.


well i must be gettin' now, so ill check in with you kids from time to time to make sure everyone is playing nicely.


g'nite kids.


i was wondewring where the shit you had been...damn

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