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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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moogles had me cracking up.. "disorderly contuct" i would have loved to see that shit..


fucking poopoo have nothing better to do with there time..who gives a fuck about someone skating down the street..go fucking take the donut out of your mouth and bust down the kidnappers and rapist..oh that would probally be to much work though wouldnt it..


reminds me of the time me and rags went to zabobra all fuckign trashed and our boy kept on telling them "burn that motherfucker down" (they burn this huge 100ft paper man..) and people were getting pissed off so started talking shit..and then the cops came and stupid rags all drunk started talking shit to the cops..there was like a 4 ft fence between us and the cops..the cops had him so fast over that fucking fence and hogged tied..and i start screaming at them and cussing and they're like "we'll fucking take you too" and i'm like "go ahead" and the crowd is telling them to take me too haha..but they didnt..so me and my boy had to walk up a huge fucking hill to get back to him.. not to mention or other boy on the way there when we were walking got arrested for fighting..so after that we had to go to the jail ...ahh..okay its a long story i'm going to shutup now..but good times..

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hell yeah. get'n suspended from work. my weekend started thursday. beer and bongs, catching tags. eat'n some good food. got a new computer, shit doesnt work, and now im try'n to convince my homie not to kill himself. shiiiiiiiit. went from great to stupid. fuck weekends.

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damn.....well,mine was just a drunken stuper...caught some tags on Friday drunk as fuck off Long Islands and ended up passing out on a rooftop downtown next to the freeway--woke up and came home only to sleep until 6 last night and started all over again....got wasted last night and caught some flack from this bartender I know for scribing a pint glass(which I don't remember doing)...went to an "after hours" and ended up walking home around 7 miles to wake up today around 3---I haven't done shit all day.fuck....now I'm all wired from drinking a 2 liter of Mountain Dew....

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Originally posted by ARCEL

shutup emo


hahaha...what?.....I know you're not calling me "emo"--I don't listen to that kind of music,I don't rock Black Dickies with spiked belts and dyed hair---or American Eagle jeans with a striped shirt and worn-out blazer jacket with pins all over it....straight wannabe rock star shit....how are you doin' Arcel?

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I'd rather hit up the Dollar store or go to Micheal's...except the Micheal's stores in this area are pretty burnt---over the last year or so,there was a giant influx of toys who gaffled everything from these spots and now most of stores don't even re-stock shit--Jo Ann's is cashed..everywhere....naw...the next time I see some kids painting at the "legal" wall----I'm gonna come up with thier supplies-motherfuckers.

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