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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest imported_El Mamerro
Originally posted by LENS

How did you capture the falcom mammero and why did you let it go? you should have trained it to become you beacon of death to strike at your foes from on high


Oh, please believe I will have one soon. And I will train it in the art of murder, and it will be awesome.


Basically, it's a simple little trap involving a mouse, a thin little wire cage, and fishing line. As soon as the hawk catches sight of the mouse inside the cage (finding a hawk is half the fun), it goes for the pounce... no sooner has he (actually she... we're trying to catch females) realized the mouse is unreachable behind the wire, she is also hopelessly stuck in invisible little loops of fishing line on the top of the cage... the more she struggles the tighter the loops get around her feet. You then put a towel a towel or a shirt on it to calm it down, carefully snip the fishing line, and off you go with a hawk. Training it is another business, one I'm still learning.


We were going for (and caught) kestrels, small little falcons who kick much ass regardless of their size. If all goes well, we will move on up to red-tailed hawks, which mean serious business and will hopefully be able to murder puppies.


The reason we had to let our kestrel go is a long story... basically we were going home after a fruitless search when we spotted a family of kestrels atop some light poles on a baseball field. No sooner had we gotten out of the car and prepared the trap, the field keeper rolls by (dude lives right across the street) and starts telling us how the family nests in a tree in his yard, and how he loves their singing in the morning, and how good friends he is with some people in the Department of Natural Resources (aka: people who would fuck us roughly with fines if they got wind of our intent), etc. In other words, if we left with the hawk, we were getting pretty much fucked. So we totally improvised a story about us doing some research and shit, so when we snagged one I pulled out a sketchpad and pretended to tally up random observations. We then let it go and the guy chilled out.


We'll get another soon, and my friend, who knows some stuff about falconry, is gonna teach me the ropes. After he's done with summer vacation and heads back to the states, I'm gonna be in charge of a dope little killing machine, which I hope to be able to wreak havok on mankind with.

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haha. mams, your the fuckin best. of course, we want pictures of these cute little creatures of mayhem....so hook it up next time.



alright owls, ive been up since 9:00 friday morning. its now monday morn. with the exception of passing out for two hours from drinking to much tequila, i havent slept. work in the morning. very tired. im out like a light guys. ill catch ya tommorow.errr, tonight.



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ammero....all i gotta say is bravo in regards to the on the spot improv with the whole "I'm doing a research project bit" It's amazing how elders will immediatly lower their guns when academia is brought into the mix.


But I speak for a lot of folks here when i say that a thread and accompanying pictures will be in order when your labors bear fruit...or should I say falcons?

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Originally posted by LENS

vinyl, your night sounds like it was pretty tight. My gf and I went out to the show but the best bands didn't even come on by the time it was two in the morning. We got drunk on pabst and whiskey. I ended up driving home and throwing some bottles from my car.


Sounds like it was cool on your end watching two girls make out. Why didn't the threesome happen? Your cryptic if not poetic recap of your night left more than a few loopholes....fill me in chief

threesome did not happen becasue

a) i am not allowed to have sex with first girl, unless her boyfriend is present... we're allowed to make out, but that's it (might i add, that it is quite an honor to discover that i am the only guy she is allowed to make out with... she is allowed to make out with girls, but i am the only guy)

B) second girl just ain;t feelin it... we hung out for a minute tonight, but same deal...

i keep tryin tho... besiodes, second girl is the hotter one of the two...


i'm drunk...

just left the bar...

good times...

a bunch of friends from out of town were here tonight...

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these damn two girls...


but eventually...

i start a new term at school tomorrow... it id gonna kick my ass...

and i'm drunk at 2am, which was not my plan for the evening, when i have to get up at 7...

but those two damn girls came out, so of course i had t5o stay...


fucking hell...

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two girls:

girl #1 (an old friend, and my bestfriend's girlfriend... i introduced them to each other)

girl #2 (#1's best friend, who i only met a couple weeks ago)


every time me and #2 start gettin flirty and shit, #1 butts in and makes some comment about hhow, no matter how much flirting i do, i'm never gonna get in #2's pants... that would kinda be the end of shit for an hour or so...

i'd been assuming that #2 had said this to #1, and that #2 was just flirty by nature, so i didn't really set my goals, just flirted none the less cuz it's fun...

tonight i finally got #1 to admit that she isn't really comfortable with her friends hooking up, so all those times she says that shit, it's just her saying it, and it has nothing to do with anything #2's said...

but i only got this out of her after #2 had left for the night...

however #2 left with my phone number, cuz she wants to hang out, and she's only 19, so the only bars she can go to are the ones that i bring her to... and she loves bars...

so werd...


by the way, i have hooked up with #1... in fact my birthday present (only 4 months ago or so) was sex with my then girlfriend and #1 at the same time...

so werd... again...

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Originally posted by EarMuffs



you getting your loins sucked on my rainbow wearing fruitypants in s.f.? I can only hope so you fucking cunt fucking face fucker...now your never coming out here...i put james the homeless man on my floor...so now there is no space for you until he dies...or i kill him in his sleep. oh yhea my phones off since im broke...itll be back on in a few days call me you fucking guk.



i got two tests in the morning then im done with school for the summer...time to plan trips and get fucked up.

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