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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by ctrl+alt+del

word up alure, good to hear from you. havnt talked to you in a while.

do you have a library card? if no, go get one and start checking out some books to read to junior. those formative years are CRUCIAL. try not to show your anger and hate for the world when your around your kid, babies pick up on a lot, emotions especially. its good your ma will be around to help out. i hope your getting as much sleep as you can these days. remember, stay away from microwaves.



shit, 12oz sure isnt what it was once.


i hear ya on all that. i've been sleeping way to much.. i actually need to more active or else i'm gonna have a hard time during labor. but my motivation has been plummeting to negative 10 heh. i think i might be moving to maryland with my mom.. just get away from this city, this state, this drama. and start fresh, with my son and i'll be closer to the ocean woohoo! plus i'll have my mom's support and i'd really like to have my family around right now. but its still up in the air. i wanted to leave before i had the baby, but i already have my doctors and shit out here so who knows. but i would love to get out of here.


seems like you've been pretty busy lately eh..


yeah 12oz has been hella boring, especially n.o.'s thread.. lame lame.

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i was having a chat with the junkie of vinyl on the AIM until well...

sorry vinyl i seem to have passed out for the last hour or so

ill send the shizz thursday, friday at latest



so whats going on kids?

nothing much here

im sick and havent been to work in 3 days sitting around all day sucks


think ill go pass out again

later doods and doodettes

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yo when

not much down under

usual shit, boring ol work

bout to go over to the guy couple doors down see how much he wants for his mazda bravo.. dont think he aint selling, but ill see if he will:lol:

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i just sent someone the angriest email i have ever written:


i ran this through a spell checker so i'd be sure you got every word loud and fucking clear...


why is it that the fucking bartenders down the street know me better than most of the people i desperately try to call friends? some fucking broad that i see once, maybe twice, a week knows to ask me how my test and interview went at new school, while these fucking people that i have claimed to love/admire/.at least fucking care about, seem to know nothing about what's going on in my life...

i am realizing that a handful of people really aren’t' worth the breath i waste trying to speak to them...

it makes me really fucking sad to realize that people have been lying to me and themselves when they've been trying to have straight forward talks about "the truth"...

fuck you...

you're never gonna be able to live up to thr4e supposedly simple shit you've told me and yourself you were gonna try to live up to...

really, why do you bother continuing with your life? I’m pretty sure you've told me that you had thoughts of killing yourself a long time ago, and quite frankly, i wouldn't fucking stop you now...

as far as i can see, your plan for life is to do whatever your gut reaction tells you to do, and you surely fucking know that that's gonna get you nowhere but trouble... you have fucking whined and bitched to me before about how the things around you were fucking you up, and you've surrounded yourself with the same fucking bullshit...

i know now that you don’t give a shit about me at all any more... well I’ve gotten to the point where i really don’t give a shit about you anymore either... i know I’ve said that before, but i fucking mean it this time... i have tried coming to you when i needed help, and you fucking ignored me... i have tried being there when you needed help and you fucking ignored me...

don’t bother asking me for anything anymore.. you know how much i used to care for you... you were one of the few people that i would ever say i loved, sexually or not, but i truly don't any more...

you have fucking wasted all the energy i would ever expend on you... and know that when i decide that someone is worth any of my fucking energy at all, that is really something...

you are officially the first person i have ever entirely turned my back on... even the fucking girl i nearly got married to would stand a better chance of some kind of emotion from me... I’ve said it before, if she cam e back today I’d fucking die at her feet...

but you have fucking sapped all fucking care and emotion out of me, and i really don’t give a shit what[s going on in your life...

like i said, you could fucking die...

fuck you

maybe if you fucking grew up to anywhere near where you think you are i might be able to gain a little bit of the respect i once had for you back, but in the mean time i couldn’t give two shits if you fucking choked on your alcohol or bulimia induced vomit and die...

fuck you

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Originally posted by krie

ex girl friend vinyl ?

kinda... but not...


and no response yet...

i'm really hoping i pissed her off enough to never talk to me again...





on the flip side of that game, i finally saw the girl who lives in the apartment above mine, after getting drunk and fucking her a week or two ago, and apparently i was not too rough... i was worried that i was...


good times...

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no, bartender's totally a dyke...

and way too hot...


i was gonna ask her out actually, and the night before i was gonna, i'm talking to some dude who bummed a cigarette from me while i was on my setps, talking about the neighborhood (i'd just moved) and the bar comes up... and he goes "ya know those two totally hot bartenders there? yeah... sucks that they're gay... with each other..."

go in the next night, and sure enough, they have each other's names tattooed on their necks...

we all had a good laugh when i got all shitty some months later and started telling her about the crush i have on her though...

good times with beer...

good times...

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  • 2 weeks later...



happy new years bitches


so hows it goes around here?

what did each and every one of you do for new years?

i went to vegas again, it was weird this year though with the apache helicopters

and snipers and whatnot

but it didnt keep me or my band of troublemakers

from getting sloshed off beers and bongaritas

and causing some new years havoc


bongarita- those giant margaritas that come in a plastic bong looking deal


pictures as soon as they are developed

man it was a blast

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hey When

New Years, Christmas was all good, pretty laid back really. Just had a house party for new years, which was good, alot of old school mates that i hadn't seen for a while. Good to hear ya had a good time, looking forward to the photo's!

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damn gina, bout time we got to a new page..


my new years was good.. took me a few days to recover afterwards though... went to a dope party and got hit on alot, i'm a hot baby's mama woo. haha. oddly enough i ended up staying up with all of my friends until 1 in the afternoon the next day, of course completly sober. Dont know how i did that, but it was nice i kicked it with my baby's father and i appreciated the time we spent together. I also hit him over the head with a huge peice of wood that broke in two.. ah let out alot of frustration. holly shit i only have like 6 weeks left!! and i'm not even huge although i still grub all kinds i can still fit in most of my normal clothes, just have a couple of bigger jeans. i do get indegestion alot, but i think its cause i eat too many spicy foods. but mmm yum its all worth it when you got tums.


oh something shitty that happened on n.y.eve was i was eatting at applebee's with my friend and her car got broken into..and they stole all her shit, and my purse. i never carry a purse.. and i ended up having one and leaving it in the car.. and they stole it, it had 20 bucks in it and my house, and car keys! i had to pay for a fucking lock smith..and umm i still dont have my car keys i'm waiting for my dad to send them.. ah well i'm used to shit like that happening to me..



right on the top of my belly, were my rib cage is.. i'm all bruised from the lil fellow kicking me all kinds.. rawr.

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Gday Alure!

they leave bruises huh? damn! thought of a name yet ?



its been pretty quiet in here lately..


on a side note, i just wrote '28' on my hand so perfect, youd think i stamped it on with a rubber stamp!

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