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Everything posted by Corpseinarug

  1. Aw thank you, buddy! Just trying to show the little one it's possible to go from under a bridge to your dream home just with hard work
  2. Thank you guys so much! I like cute animals and getting high as fuck so combining the two was a long time coming. The 'rosinsplosion' sauce that the dino is chilling in is sort of my own little secret format I like to make that I haven't seen anyone doing with rosin. It's sort of like the 'jam' consistency (small crystals that are flat with the terp sauce) but instead of that it's more like microcrystals that just barely have crashed enough to see a glisten when you stir it but otherwise it's syrupy and really just a perfect match for those little guys. Gonna take some light box pics here in a bit!
  3. Been on a fucking tear lately - super proud of my work. Had to do something to get my mind off of the formation of this business so why not learn new shit and sharpen old skills? The start of some rosin diamonds sitting on a thermal cycling block. Usually you get these flat formations (but usually get slushed up) and they call it jam but I've actually pulled faceted diamonds out. It was only a few but I have much more esteem in these because science. That's where it sits today - It took a little bit of figuring to get it right, I've been chasing these for 2 fucking years and now I've actually got them down to where I don't think it's a waste of time and not commercially viable. Solid formation too so I'm really happy with how it's working out, eventually once I have these locked-locked I've got a few techniques to control the polymorphism of the crystal and make them cooler looking/potentially clearer. I also made little dinosaur friends out of pure THCA (what you dab) Here's one in a rosin tarpit. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
  4. Yeah I want to get my restoration of rights and all that good stuff so I'm assuming I should just roll that all into one really awkward phone call/email chain.
  5. Guess it's time to call Boston and tell them they suck and also please I want my pretty picture
  6. Hello. Stop looking in my window. Also I used to be crackteeth

  7. What's the best site for pulling mugshots? I've been trying to find mine for awhile - when they got me for graffiti I kept giving them finger guns so they handcuffed me to the wall for my picture while I gave a shiteating grin God I wish I had that picture
  8. Also Wade Speyer is the fucking man, slayer rules and people skate like pussies these days.
  9. Damn that looks beautiful - probably taking the woman to Miami in a month or two so we can escape the CO winter for a week and eat acid on the beach for a little while
  10. This is like 20 mins away - been skating for somewhere around 33 years at this point (since 3yrs old) and have all sorts of fucked up shit and scars because of it. NOT DEAD YET THOUGH SO LET'S KEEP GOING. The thumbnail is from the snakerun end but the park has like 3/4 bowls and a few different street areas. I've been getting my street chops back up the past couple years but ramps are my shit. Go fast and skate ramps that can fucking kill you.
  11. Oh I fucking live by that. Here's a post from my morning activity on nextdoor today.
  12. Motherfuckers were running their mouth a few months ago online so I volunteered to pony up fees for a boxing ring at a gym during Bizcon in Vegas. As per usual all parties shut the fuck up when they found out there was a legal option for beating the shit out of eachother and pussied out. I was looking forward to talking like Michael Buffer while drunk as shit.
  13. Heard down the grapevine that an investor did a walk through on their lab to absorb company, sell the gear and fucking chop up the company. GOD I LOVE THE SMELL OF NAPALM IN THE MORNING
  14. One of my all time favorite albums and if anyone can't enjoy relaxing Japanese instrumental Jazz they can suck my fucking dick
  15. Literally managing a small network of weed dealers for years in Boston taught me this. It's correct.
  16. @mr.yuckI managed to bribe dred pirate with hash - Don't gotta pay to go to his workshop out here now 😉
  17. I mean packs stay expensive that way so maybe I should start talking to my friends out there hahaha
  18. When you hate someone and they have sketchy allegations following them 😉
  19. Pancetta Waygu Corned Beef Brisket Coffee Rub Brisket Fajitas
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