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  1. I almost blew up but that can't stop me! Btw if someone is pointing a blast heater at a pile of 55 gallon drums of solvent....always call them retarded no matter if they pay you or not 😘
  2. Oooooh bb those bad girls need some of dem dere fan leaves taken off of the main stalk! Gots to get that even light distribution going on!
  3. Dealers choice, bro! Beans would rule though!
  4. Orlyyyyyyyy 😁 I think I need to make a fucking 2lb indoor monster out of a cut 🫡
  5. Oh and here's some old school i've been rocking lately. Some of these I might have posted already but who cares.
  6. Sure is!!! He's a fucking gem of a person - I flew out to see him a couple weeks ago and gave him a quick crash course on rosin which I think he will absolutely fucking crush. Him and his family/friends are extremely nice people and I count myself INSANELY lucky to be friends with him nevermind teammates now
  7. Boy howwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwdy i've been busy! I'm a bit of a hired gun lately. This is the new lab i'm fucking with. The people I was working with turned out to be super fucking great people so instead of contracting with them for shit we're just a team now - couldn't be more fucking stoked to still be in this industry but am able to still be a swiss army knife of weed that gets to do mad science shit for a living. Fucking. Stoked. I'm working with these guys to help streamline their distillation and buildout for the lab-lab, their extraction setup is fucking gnarly and the guy who built it is fucking awesome and really knows his shit. I can't lay claim to anything that was built in that room at all - the guy who did that is a fucking beast, however in the nerdy-ass lab side I have my own little playground going on here that is getting better and better each day i'm there. I came home for a few days to take the kiddo trick or treating but about to head back and pump this place up a bit more. Breaking emulsification is a bit tough sometimes but with enough cursing, slurs and threats of violence eventually it will give in and bend to my will. Next step is to daisy chain several glass reactors together to do 2-3 of those in tandem and share the same heat source or just build it's own dedicated gigantic fucking skid (which is probably what i'll be doing). I'm a perpetually stoned klutz. Glass is not my friend - before anyone says it the dirtiness is within the glass 'jacket' that will be soon filed with propylene glycol (aka radiator fluid) and isn't in the actual holding chamber itself. And here's me
  8. I used to be the unedited version of that picture too years ago hahahaha. Funnily enough ozzy was my first concert.
  9. Thanks bro! I've been working my ass off with these guys lately - actually I'm more working with this group now than actually selling them anything which I actually prefer. More helping them set up facilities now and make stuff/train the crew - much better that way because now my interests are their interests. That and I really enjoy working in team based environments, everyone lifting eachother up to new heights is the shit!
  10. Essentially it's an expedited reaction to create a crystalline structure way faster than other methods - usually if you're looking to try to get isolate you're going to be getting it within a week or two but this way will ensure you nail that within 60 minutes - then you can take the resulting isolate and recrystallize it into larger and more clear diamonds via your solvent of choice. That is the rough formation of salts that need to be washed, dissolved in acid and then washed again to a neutral PH before being left to crash out after dissolving your solvent ratio to the desired amount. Once you have a feel of how the process works it can be done inside of 60 minutes. I just got back from another lab for the past few days showing this off to potentially get a pretty thick deal worked out, as expected they're in the 'way too good to be true' camp so I'm assuming they're gonna have to fly me back out to the west coast to do it a few more times and show them it's as far from a fluke as they can get
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