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Everything posted by CLICKCLACKONER

  1. Here’s a pic of my 10 year old raw low straight RRL’s. It fits like 501stf. It took this long to have it fade this much and countless repairs. I could sleep in these in total comfort.


    My wife got the air raid (I think) version robocopped at 40 dolla holla
  3. it's expensive and dents easily?
  4. @Mercerme too bro. I'm being a pussy and not buying more tho.


    I can't wear a shoe (or any other piece of clothing) from a crew that I'm not a part of.
  6. Nah I didn’t get a pair, I was telling @mr.yuckabout your pair.
  7. I'm pretty sure that's the reason he leases....maybe not as big as a purchase write off but there's definitely a deduction for leasing.
  8. Somewhere in this thread I think IHU said that Evisu was bought out by the paper denim owner. Lots of info in this thread.
  9. @glorydays nigga at least plastic joints from the 99 cent store.
  10. @glorydaysare those button ups CDG? Why the wire hangers!!!!!????
  11. @QaweeI'm pretty sure that's what the second picture is.
  12. I'm so out of the loop that I didn't even know he was locked up.
  13. Shot it for the first time yesterday. Loved it.
  14. I've only been to Governor's Ball in NYC and my homegirl was head of security so my wife and I got in via golf cart. I would imagine they would confiscate the nutcrackers? Also, they upgraded nutcrackers and they are now infused with THC tincture.... not all, but it's becoming more normal. Drunk and high, yummy!
  15. If I tried this I’d be arrested for being a creep.
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