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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Heavy on the red, not a lot of India going on though.
  2. Simple dinner, lamb roast, taters, corn, crusty bread and ale. Hard to beat.
  3. Big fan of profession shots like that, great post.
  4. Sorry for the confusion and you are right, I am not Hua Guofang and I didn't take over the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party after the death of Mao Zedong in the late 1970s My real name is Walid Jumblatt and that is me in my avatar. I live in Lebanon and am the leader of the Druze.
  5. Fucking cold here. As I rode out of my garage on the way to work earlier this week it was -4. First 20% of the ride is downhill, feels like my ears are going to burn off. Fuck your sunshine, sunshine.
  6. Yeah, party food for 3 year olds! It was a contrast of cheesecake cups and home made apple turn overs along side fairy bread and a quartered cinnamon bun from 7/11. Funny shit.
  7. This is what passes for a staff morning tea at my work. Things are getting competitive.
  8. Through an organic process (which is a wanky way of saying "like every other normal person) I've been traveling from lagers to pale ales to IPAs to reds and have this week landed on browns.
  9. Yeah, was weird. Clearly a spammer but that was a real post. Go figure.
  10. Just a thought, but you may want to consider posting in the Melbourne thread. Or....., maybe the toy thread would be more appropriate.
  11. What do you mean by "however adjusted"? *Edit, well, that was weird. A spammer that actually made an interesting contribution. And then got deleted and banned. D'oh!
  12. Want a Sweden, New York, dodger and would give a Chicago a crack as well.
  13. Oh yes, that's exactly what it is. My Chinese is pretty bad these days but the piece was discussing the industry, whether the product is drinkable, etc. I've seen bottles of JD in bars where the fluid is clear like vodka. I've drunk budweiser that was like beer cordial and I've had hangovers from the formaldehyde they use that almost put me in hospital. I fucking hate bootleggers like that and would dearly like to smash bricks into their heads. They do fake medicine and the lot. I've smoked a cigarette that burned my throat and when opening it up found that it was just shit like hair, carpet and god know what rolled up into paper. There is a whole industry around fake booze in China (and likely elsewhere). It's a race between the big companies that come up with valves to stop the bottles from being refilled and the bootleggers finding a way to work around them. As soon as the latest valve tech comes out they need to come up with new tech to roll out when they defeat the current tech. I don't mind that people bootleg but don't charge me for the authentic product.
  14. That brown looks really good. Not huge on pilsners but a hoppier Czech is the way to go. Starpramen isn't bad for a mass produced beer.
  15. I went both the traditional soup of the day and their own unique suggestion.
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