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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. That apron shot makes me nostalgic for the hours spent shivering on the tarmac with pack, gat and chute wishing for the insides of a C130. Strange thing to miss.
  2. Sorry, 979 sqm, I had it around the wrong way. Thanks, mate. It's the 4th place I've owned but the first I've won through auction, the first place I've bought with a partner and by far the hardest fought. Cannot wait to get the garage workshop set up. Yep. Pretty shocked at how happy I am living here. After 5 years of Beijing I'm done with traffic, crowds and smog. pretty dang content here for a good while, I'd say.
  3. Thank you. Went there thinking that I wouldn't even get a bid in, walked away the owner. To be honest, I really don't care about the Jacuzzi, will likely have it removed when it starts costing us money. But it has high ceilings, a fucking awesome space for a bike workshop and some super-sweet walls in the garage and out the back of the house. 797 sqm, not a small block, right on the top of the hill too. Been bidding for months, priced out of everything that we wanted. Yet, out of everything that we competed for this is by far the house that I would prefer. Funny how things work out.
  4. A quickie before bed. And who doesn't like a quickie every now and then?
  5. Right, it's a bed sheet, gotcha now. Looks too big for a standard bedbug. Which hotel? I travel to Syd for work on the reg and would like to know where to avoid! Bugs, any bugs in a bed is a crisis situation in my books.
  6. Funniest thing of all, I just took a DAO-esque challenge over the word steak seriously. And no one even cares enough to vote. Classic internets.....
  7. Yep, I struggle with Ks and Ss. Two letters that should have the easiest flow. Go figure. That E also should have a fatter arse.
  8. All fun and games, got me back wanting to sketch again. Punk as.
  9. I had to quickly edit out the first pic that also had a hairy old gut in it along with toes. Workplace steak.
  10. Here you go, my entry for the battle.
  11. Yeah, fair enough, agree to disagree and all. And to precise, I'm sure kwote can burn, it's more that style that I don't like rather than the writer. Regards to me bombing in the 80s, most definitely was. I started in 83 just as I hit high school, got done for a whole car in 89 and have been pretty much legal since then. I'll hit up a new steak tonight after work and post it up, it'll be good for a laugh.
  12. Actually, fuck it. I will try and do something a little more serious. I want to get sketching again so might as well have a crack.
  13. Haven't we already been through this under different usernames? You're the dude who did the wood carvings, right? This is going to go down exactly the same way it did last time. I'll say I'm not a fan of something and can't understand why it's considered good. You'll get deeply upset and will vow ti defend their honour. I'll laugh at you and tell you to go fuck yourself. The end. On a serious note: you posted Pear and Perts and compared it with the Kwote and other post. They are not comparable. I like the old style, look at everything I do, I'm stuck in the 80's, that's where I come from (yep, I was bombing trains before you were bombing your diapers). What I don't like is the stuff that tries to out of whack with uneven bars, with unbalanced letters and squashed up flow. Old NY style done well is my favourate. Old NY style DELIBERATELY done poorly to me looks whack and if some kid without out a rep posted that we'd call him toy and direct him to the toy thread. So when I look a piece, it either looks good or it looks bad - pretty simple shit. I also don't get why you're challenging me. You're not Kwote, you don't have a dog in the fight. You're just an anonymous name on the internet. Can you sketch/paint better than me? Probably. Do I care? Nope. Will I still have opinion on things? Yep. Will that upset you? I don't care. So, anyway. Here's my steak that was also drawn quickly because it was part of a joke involving DAO many years ago on this website - which is why Protester suggested the word, also as a joke, I'd assume. Sketch your dramatic little heart away, burn it, tell me whatever makes you feel better and I'll continue to not to care.
  14. HAAAAAA! you're stalking me on the forum because I don't like the same style as you!!?? You're also pulling out a shitty little, half serious pen sketch I did when I was drunk!? HHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA! Good on you Captain Have-a-Cry!! Keep on caring!
  15. Hahahah, did I upset you? I fucking LOVE how writers get all butthurt on the internet when you don't like the same thing as them. Dude, I don't give a fuck what you think. Clearly the feeling's not mutual though!
  16. really....? Looks just like what every other unoriginal person has been painting in the last 5 years. Ten years ago it would have been called toy.
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