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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. HA!! I raked it about 15 hours before that pic was taken, I shit you not!!
  2. An India black ale. Not sure if that's actually a thing regards the style guide but this is deep and malty with some fuityness and bitterness in the after taste. I loved it and it may well be my lead in to dark beers.
  3. A really nice, traditional style English IPA with fuggle hops. First beer I've ever had that made sense to drink only lightly chilled (or warm by Australian standards). Enjoyed this so much that I cancelled my plans for the evening, bought three more, built a fire in the backyard and pulled out a good book.
  4. Pretty good, an aromatic modern red with a really nice balance between malt and hops. Made for Xmas by bridge road and at $7 a pop I'll likely only have one a year!
  5. Not bad, won't rush to have it again though.
  6. Seriously, we were asked to elaborate on what the word 'excellence' means to us. And 'diffusion of innovation' was also given a run. Pretty much everything I wrote was actually said in seriousness. Mind numbing shit and the angry looking skull was the natural reaction from me.
  7. The outcome of an al staff meeting where management talk about breaking down silos to empower us to diffuse innovation across multidisciplinary structures because they fear procedure may have ossified creativity and stifled the cross pollination of ideas and contained potential synergies and collaboration
  8. Glasses piled up on tables, bar stools all over the joint and food on the floor whilst the bar staff hang about and chat. I'd sack the fucking lot of them. Kiribilli is one of Australia's (so also probably the World's) most expensive suburbs. They price the beer and food accordingly but the quality of product and service do not even come close to matching. Sydney was a great place to grow up but it shits me to tears now days.
  9. Floor of the Kiribilli hotel whilst barman lazes about pizza and squashed wedges strewn about the floor) Place is a fucking joke.
  10. Akasha Hopsmith; nowhere fucking near the $14.50 I was slugged for it. Steak sandwich was a total fucking rip too. Fuck Kiribilli Hotel, steer clear of this shithole.
  11. $7.20 to park for one hour. Another reason why Sydney can go fuck itself.
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