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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Yes, I posted some sat pics back in the thread to show that they targeted specific hangars and hit them dead on. What we don't know is what was in those hangars. They may have targeted empty ones so they could show pics of the injured satan on their own TVs but in reality they hit some empty sheds as a message to the US that they don't want to escalate. They may also have hit sheds that stored the aircraft/drones that were used in the killing of QS in a message to the US regards they kind of intelligence they can gather. There could be any number of scenarios that we are unaware of. All we know at this point is that they hit some hangars (we're also assuming that these were the hangars that they were aimng for and didn't just get lucky. But the crazy luck that that outcome would involve is highly implausible).
  2. Yeah, we have no idea what was in those hangars, may have even been drone control. That's a bit of a "don't let the truth get in the way of a good meme" meme, IMO.
  3. @Kults@Fist 666can we boot this TaleOfSadboy idiot again, please?
  4. I've had conversations, both public and private with Jim Clapper, who was head of geospatial intel at the time and then became DNI, about his role in the assessments leading up to 2003 and he genuinely feels like shit about it. He says he had no idea that everyone was getting their info from one guy (screwball/chalabi) and as soon as he worked that out he knew they were fucked. He's also on record saying that it didn't matter what intel the White House was given at the time, they'd already made their mind up anyway. I know people that worked with Doug Feith, who headed up the parallel assessment org in Defense when the WH weren't getting the intel they wanted. I'm told he's a bit broken now as he spend a lot of his time trying to work out how he fucked it up so bad. Jacque Chirac summed it up for me when he said that the Americans were getting drunk on their own intel.
  5. I don't get it though. The American bases were hit with accuracy.
  6. Australia joining the party: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/australia-canada-receive-intelligence-blaming-iran-for-deadly-ukrainian-plane-crash Prime Minister Scott Morrison says Australia has the same intelligence as Canada regarding a plane tragedy in Iran.
  7. Well, they certainly aren't the first to shoot a civilian passenger jet out of the sky. As mentioned up the page, the US shot an Iranian one down by mistake in the Gulf a few decades ago, then there was MH17 and I think the Russian's may have dropped one during the Cold War as well. But given they set the SAMs up near the airport, you reckon they might have been paying extra close attention to that particular issue, right? I'm already groaning in anticipation as to what BS the Iranians are going to come up with to excuse the act. Given the surveillance radar network the Russians have around that region I'd say that they would also have identified a SAM being launched as well.
  8. Makes it pretty difficult to think much else happened, at this point. Fucking retards, they'll never admit it though. Had this pop up when I was on the CNN website:
  9. Whilst I have to keep in mind that these are the same orgs that were telling us that Iraq having WMD was a slam dunk and that the US has a reason for the world to think that Iran was responsible, I'm still more inclined to believe this explanation than most others, at this point. Well, at least we can tell Tehran to STFU now when they continue to complain about the Iranian passenger jet that was shot down by the US in the 1980s.
  10. ICE T @FINALLEVEL WAR is not a game people.. Ya don’t respawn.
  11. That whole incident was the rawest example of internet cuntism by 'the left', people screaming for his head without any real idea what happened. In the end, the kid was probably the most polite person there.
  12. matt @MattsIdeaShop Well, I’m on the phone with my computer security service, and as I understand it someone compromised my IP address and is using it to stream “Friends.” I might just be a random target. But this could be an attempt to Qanon me. It’s an ugly world out there.
  13. The whole Qanon thing is in overdrive on the Ukrainian jet: The plane crash that killed 63 “Canadians” was really undercover clowns getting the fuck out of dodge after Trump threatened their black ops sites. Canada was the middleman in the U1 deal. The Uranium didn’t stay in Russia. It went to Iran (WW3). Trudeau = screwed I think it’s likely that the Iranian regime shot down the plane. Q+ just knew it would happen (Looking Glass). At this point, I’d wager most passengers on that plane were involved (not just the 63 clowns). Do you think normal people could get out at that time? Also Q warned em 1. I’m hesitant to believe reports about children and families on board. I’m sure there’s much work being done to muddy the waters. Even the flight manifest may be unreliable. 2. Collateral damage is unavoidable in war. If it weren’t, Q+ would have stopped every mass shooting. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND/COMP WHAT WE ARE CURRENTLY DEALING WITH? PEOPLE ARE DYING. WE ARE UNDER THREAT OF KILL EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY. THOSE WHO YOU TRUST THE MOST ARE THE MOST EVIL. THIS IS NOT A GAME. HUMMANITY IS AT STAKE. - Q drop 1746 For those of you who don’t understand Oh internet, you silly old thing!
  14. Random tweet from some one: did not foresee meghan markle supplanting iran as the west’s greatest villain in the span of 24 hours
  15. Rand Paul also had a bit of a spray at the briefing. I don't agree with him on too much but what he said about the failure of 'maximum pressure' is on the money for me. With Iran it has only increased conflict and the DPRK is again moving ahead with nukes. I don't think much could stop DPRK but I think this approach with Iran is seeing a backslide in security and efforts to reign Irain it. It's also directing resources against each other rather than on ISIS et al.
  16. They apparently had a huge failure rate too, around 40% or something. Looking for more on that.
  17. Yeah, it looks that way. However unlikely the US would have know what Iran was targeting and been able to emply that specific hangar and where they would have taken that kit to make it even more secure. You can also see out on the tarmac a number of helicopters in place that haven't been moved anywhere to avoid being struck. I have no idea what the facts are but I'd expect that it would have been personnel rather than kit that was secured with the knowledge of an impending strike (kit can be quickly replaced but trained and deployable personnel are much more difficult). No doubt that this was Iran signalling its willingess to de-escalate but save face internally. I wonder if they targeted specific hangars in a message to the US - pure speculation on my part there. I expect a high-profile assassination somewhere in the world over the coming 6 months, carried out by a proxy such as Hezbollah or another Shiite militia. I feel that this was the overt/theatrical response but that the real response will come later with some level of deniability. Basing this solely on what Iran has done in the past, not much else.
  18. Agree that the US got the better end of this (so far), but Iranian targetting seems to have been on point and hit well within the base (as opposed to some of the crap in the media saying they hit empty sand). Not clear what was in these hangars. Would be interesting if these were the specific hangars where the drones that targetted QS were being housed as that would indicate a level of intelligence on behalf of Iran.
  19. True, but that kind of stuff can be addressed by sanctions and/or a little bit of destruction back via cyber or something less kinetic. If that's the response then I'd say that Washington is keen to de-escalate whilst they're ahead, which would be a smart and successful play. Although, the Ayatollah signaled that there will be some asymmetric attacks by way of Hezbollah or similar actors. Not sure the Iranian response has run its course yet.
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