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One Man Banned

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Everything posted by One Man Banned

  1. Does that mean you've also been spending some time in 14-year-old whores?
  2. Only watched prelim fights but there was some good stuff in there. That 1st dude who came into the ring hopping on one foot and making zorro sword motions at the other guy, think it was Case, then spent 3 rounds basically getting smacked up, ha ha. Dude got kicked in the body a lot.
  3. To me, this is still one of the best videos I've seen in the past year or period. If you didn't see it you can youtube something like subway slap. A very deserving bitch gets the hand of god delivered to her by someone who took enough of her shit. Just look at her fly back! LOLZ.
  4. In the past I've had an awesome bacon cheeseburger pizza that did have some mustard on it. Can't remember if it had a little ketchup instead of tomato sauce on it but shit was fucking good.
  5. I would post some Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder pics to say I can't see shit, but what's the fucking point?! I CAN'T SEE SHIT!!!
  6. Saw a bobcat while out last night, was pretty cool. Sucker wasn't more than 10ft from me, I followed for a second, it showed no fear and let out a big cat sound to let me know I better stop. Very cool though. Did I mention it was cool?
  7. Feel like this is getting worse as time goes on. But at least the ads work and the spam robots can log on.
  8. 1279000960-dumb_things_that_will_make_you_facepalm
  9. Video games done me wrong with the old racing games where your car had missiles and you could blow up the guy in front of you. Every time I'm on the highway and some douche races to squeeze in ahead in that one car length, even though there's a wall of traffic in front that's not going to go any faster for him, I just wish I had that button on my car and could blow that fucker up.
  10. The toilet really gives your turd a gentle welcome into the world. Ever try free form shitting, as in dumping outdoors? Unless you're dropping a hard turd, that shit hits the earth and looks nothing like a log in the toilet, just loses its form and all.
  11. Contract obligations? Don't know if he finally got away from those. I don't know that he can handle the competition up the chain though, he's no Couture. Last night turned out pretty nice and was free! WIN!
  12. For not carrying a lot of star power this night is off to a fairly decent start
  13. Just finished making a marinade for some goat meat, now sipping a beer.
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