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One Man Banned

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Everything posted by One Man Banned

  1. Would take back every Big Mac and Whopper I've ever eaten if I could
  2. Jerkoffs who run their phone through their car stereo system at volumes where I can hear their conversation with their windows rolled up.
  3. d ALMOST a dead wrestler last night- dude got knocked the fuck out!
  4. http://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2016/04/29/ny-pizza-box-made-out-of-pizza-pkg.wpix
  5. Also keep seeing these stories of Russian planes buzzinig other countries. In the U.S. there are constantly stories of assholes on the ground pointing lasers at planes and helicopters, blinding the pilot. If some kid on the ground can do this why can't someone just shine a laser at the Russina planes?! Seems so easy. Politricks.
  6. Found myself thinking of terrorism and these countries that hate America. You commonly see them on the news burning the flag which makes me think, if you hate America, why do you have all these American flags in your country? Is there some sort of terrorist supply store that sells flags for burning? Or is there one low level guy who has the job of ordering flags from America for them to burn?
  7. you will see it when you fry the eggs
  8. I had an amusing thought earlier, and now I forgot it.
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