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Everything posted by anybody_wanna_chestnut?

  1. you can correct me after you go back and correct that few paragraphs on the last page
  2. thats what public works or public sanitation is for..
  3. Congrats ralphy that's huge man
  4. vanfullofretards you sound really cool
  5. yea the book is interviews with various people within the straight edge "movement" um ian mackaye manliftingbanner, a dutch straight edge band, refused...and a few others i cant remember off the top of my head. it also documents the straight edge scene in other countries, israel, sweden, poland, and the usa. It has "manifestos" by a few diffrent straight edge heads....havent gotten to this part yet but it looks like essays from band members and collectives like crimethInc, alpine anarchist productions, and the Emancypunx project. Its also got a section of reflections and another section of perspectives. The ian mackaye interview was awesome...ill post some more when i finish it up. The books is actually pretty recent, like 2009 i think but it covers history and current issues i believe good for you man, the lesser of two evils lol. are you tryin to get sober?? or just cuttin back?
  6. yeah but cope agreed to that and was paid for making the graffiti in that game
  7. im pretty sure i got all you guys beat. This is pretty grimy. So i went to college a few years back in pennsylvania outside of philly. It was a small school and I lived on campus for a year, 2 semesters. the second semester me and my buddy somehow got placed in a honors house, we were no where close to being honors students, it some how just happened. This was awesome because the honors house didnt have a security guard or a curfew like the other dorm buildings had, and the best part is that it was co-ed, so we could have girls come and go as we wanted, and stay overnight if we wanted. so it was me and my buddy in this 4 person room just us. Me and him got along so it was pretty nice. halfway thru the year, we end up getting a new roommate, a kid had just transferred in from another school or whatever. This kid ended up being the biggest fag. he would complain about us drinking and smoking to the R.A. and bitch about us having girls spend the night. basically he was the complete opposite of me and we hated each other in every way possible. We would fuck with the kid every way we could, i would take his money, food, use his shampoo, throw random shit of his away, and he would wake us up at five o'clock every morning, rat us out for having parties and drinking. Well one day this kid really tried to fuck me over....i had a digi in the room...for whatever reason someone would need that. I went to grab it to do something one day and it was gone...I thought he had just taken it and tossed it or broke it or something, but about a hour after i noticed it was missing i got a visit from campus security and 2 police officers. This faggot had given it to the head of campus security and told them that i was selling drugs. these dudes tore up my room looking for drugs and other paraphernalia. I was lucky and the only thing they found was a tiny blunt roach..but if they had come in at the right time i could have really been fucked. I ended up just having to pay a fine for the roach, i didnt get arrested thank god, and they couldnt prove that the scale was mine. I argued that it could have been anyones and he just claimed it was mine. So this kid was a huge piece of shit. So a day of two later, I was bangin out this girl in our bathroom, because my other roommate was in the room, so i get the awesome idea to fuck with this kids toothbrush...so as im about to bust a nut, i pull out and cum on this kids toothbrush..fuckin genius. anyway so by the time he used it, it was a few hours later, i could tell that he knew something was off after i had watched him brush his teeth, he kept making a sour face and asked me if i had fucked with his toothbrush. I told the kid what I did and he was in denial at first, realized that it was actually true, and he literally got so upset he was crying. it was a great moment for me.
  8. awesome someone needs to make a gif outta that so i can watch him get knocked out repeatedly....that was a cheap ass shot tho
  9. its nonsense that someone put a nace piece in some video game.
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