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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. I don't know if failghosts shenanigans are going to live up to the apparent hype, but since you's asked. Let me preface a couple of these stories by stating that I'm the type of person who keeps everything in it's place. If my cellphone isn't in my left side pocket of whatever pants I'm wearing that day, then it's on the nightstand. Keys are always in my back pocket, wallet always in my right side pocket. And my pilot marker is always in my left side pocket where my phone is. This is whether I'm wearing my pants or not, and these items do not leave my pocket unless I'm either using them or changing pants. So this first instance involves the disappearance of my Pilot marker. At first I assumed it must of fell out of my pocket while I was ducking behind some air conditioning unit whenever a car would drive by while I was doing a fillin the night before. So I went there looking for it, and it wasn't there. So I just chalked it up to it fell out somewhere else and oh well I'll just get another one. So then a couple days later I'm in my computer room/graff shit storage room/whatever. Lets just call it my man cave. And I see my pilot marker on top of a stack of graff mags on the top shelf (out of reach of my 4 year old). It wasn't laying down either, it was standing up like as if failghost was telling me "hah! I know what this thing's for you hoodlum". I wasn't spooked, I just laughed. Another instance that involves shit missing from my pants pocket was when my wallet disappeared. I thought for sure that I had left it on the counter at the store the night before while I was buying beer, or that it somehow (though not very likely) fell out at the skate spot that I was at the night before. I made the drive back there to check the skate spot and the store but of course no luck. Now I have to go to the bank and have them change my account numbers and shit just incase some dick who finds my wallet decides he has a buddy who looks like my ID picture and wants to wipe out my bank account with the bank card that's also in my wallet. So I do all that, then while I'm driving to work my wife calls me and says "guess where your wallet was?" It was in this cardboard box that she used to put the recyclables before taking them out to the blue recycling trash can outside. And it wasn't sitting on top of the cans and plastic bottles and shit, it was actually deep down in there. Also the morning that my wallet went missing, my wife remembers seeing my keys on the floor next to my pants. When I woke up they were in my pants pocket, but in the wrong pocket. This shit with my wallet failed to spook me, but it did piss me off. My wife was grabbed by the leg while she was sleeping. She thought it was me trying to wake her up, but when she looked nobody was in the room. Now you'd think that would spook most people, but she just shrugged it off and went back to sleep. And another time it turned down the water pressure in my house to where the water was barely coming out of the faucets. I had to go outside with a wrench and turn it back up. I'll update this thread if anything else happens.
  2. When I clicked on this my spyware went apeshit talking about blocking threats and all that. I don't think I'll be giving it a minute of my time.
  3. I'm starting to believe in ghosts. I have a mischeivious ghost in my house who does dumb shit to get attention, but fails in scaring me or my fam. Because of this lack of instilling fear, I call him failghost. Is anybody interested in hearing about failghosts shenanigans, or should I just keep that to myself?
  4. I'm not religious at all, but I know a couple people who had their lives seriously fucked over due to wiccan spells. They didn't believe in the shit either, until they were spelled upon. Ever since then I believe that there's something to that shit, but I steer clear of anybody who claims to be into it like as if they just told me they have the black plague or some shit. Coincidentally, I just found out that this one bitch who put a love spell on my boy in retaliation for dumping her is a full blown crack head living on the street nowadays. Like I said I'm not religious at all, but apparently there's something to be said for karma. And self proclaimed "witches" are to be steered clear of at all costs.
  5. This isn't directed at anybody in particular, just an open statement. Since some of the younger generation seems to be confused on the issue. 360 pop shove-its are not impossibles.
  6. People who hide their porn from their wives are just inviting drama when the wifey finds it. I keep mine where it's always been, and occasionally get her to watch Redtube video's with me. She's not really into it, but at least I'm being honest and not putting up some front. I even occasionally point out hot chicks and say some shit like (you'd totally fuck her, wouldn't you? Lets bring her home). She usually just rolls her eyes at that point, but at least I never have to worry about getting smacked for getting caught checking out some bitches ass in the supermarket. Honesty and just being real without actually physically crossing the line goes a long way towards nipping potential drama in the bud. Or at least in my experience.
  7. That wasn't so recent, yall pulled that shit a minute ago.
  8. Re: And she loves to show Mero off, of course/smile every time his name shows up in the So ^You don't speak for white culture.
  9. The story was about either the founder or president of M.A.D.D. I'm leaning more toward the founder. I remember them saying something about her son being killed by a drunk (or maybe he was the drunk) and that's why she was so u-M.A.D.D. in the first place. This was a long time ago and might well have been in the 90's before Google started recording every single thing, and being as she was who she was and most likely had no police record it probably got "expunged" after doing ARD or whatever they call it in whatever state that she's from. And I also wouldn't put it past M.A.D.D. and the police etc to work in concert with google to try and erase it from history and try to play it as an urban myth being as you fucking kids these days refuse to believe anything that is not supported by a internet storage data base that has existed for less time than any of you have even been alive. Even ILB is cosigning me on this, and that nigga hates me LOL!
  10. "Update: Winfrey's representative has denied the report." Not that I believed a word of this as soon as I clicked on the site and saw that it looked like someone's blog. Like dude's going to all of a sudden admit that shit to Oprah. Fuck outahere.
  11. I see what you're trying to do there.
  12. Re: And she loves to show Mero off, of course/smile every time his name shows up in the So ^This is what Mero's girl back in 04 looked like. True story.
  13. I only bring it up when you youngins say stupid ass shit. Like "WTF is a railslide on a bench". Not so much bitter old man as just IRL facepalm.
  14. That's besides the point. It's a dude who's actually dead playing a dude who's dead. Not that that'll make it a good movie, but I'll bet it brings in more than it was ever expected to because of that fact. Teenagers.
  15. It baffles me how you guys can spot "oversteez" in dudes who in my opinion skate like robots, yet when I point out people like Quim Cardona and Fred Gaul none of you's see it. I'm not trying to argue about it or anything, it's just another one of them Channel Zero Twighlight Zone moments for me.
  16. ^I'll bet that movie blows up way more than than it was expected to when he was alive.
  17. It's not a Urban Legend "assbag". This is shit that was all over the news because of the absurdity of it. I don't know how old you are but maybe you were a little kid when this shit was all over the news. Also this isn't the first time that I've personally tried to find shit on google that is lost in so many pages and practically unfindable. I've tried to find shit that I've found on google a year ago and wasn't able to find it. Google stores so much fucking information that it's like key search words can't even find what you're looking for at times these days without spending hours clicking from page to page.
  18. Nah, apparently the story I posted is from this year. The one I was originally talking about was years ago. LOL at multiple M.A.D.D. bitches gettting DUI's.
  19. I remember seeing it on the news like a decade ago. Seems you can't find shit on Google anymore, all I found was another u-M.A.D.D. bitch arrested for DUI. http://www.actionnewsjax.com/content/topstories/story/MADD-member-arrested-for-DUI/nTx20U0OEkCJmBwqqXDMJg.cspx And I have to get up MADD early tomorow and my wife wants to fuck, so this is all the googling I'm gonna do for now.
  21. Unless you're either straightedge or don't own a car, the vast majority of anybody who's ever talked shit on people who drive drunk are fucking hypocrites. Even the woman who started "M.A.D." eventually got busted for a DUI. And it serves that self righteous bitch right. I'm willing to bet that the reason dude crashed had a lot more to do with him showing off to his buddy how bad ass his Porsche is and whipping corners in Chester county where it's all winding roads and trees and shit than it had to do with his 3 beers and 3 shots that he reportedly had at the bar. People die from "Jackass" shit like that dead sober all the time. Not talking shot on dude, just saying. I'd probably show off now and then too if I was driving a Porsche.
  22. Looks like dude broke his neck on that shit. Is he dead? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIwFwh57__U
  23. I accidentally just clicked into crossfire and was about to re-route myself to Channel Zero, but your thread caught my attention before I could do so. I have absolutely no interest in reading through the rest of your thread so I have no idea if anybody mentioned this yet or not, but please do humanity a favor and not bring the fucking cops into it whenever they act up or there's typical static between kids. From what I gather, that seems to be the M.O. these days. Just remember how shit was when you were coming up, and don't be "that guy" who forgets what it's like to be a kid. I can't fucking believe they have uniforms and jail cells in schools these days. Kids are supposed to be sent to detention or suspended, not fucking jail when they get into fights. And the weirder kids are also supposed to get that dressing like a fucking idiot faze out of their system when they're teenagers. Just be sure to remember what the fuck it was like when you were a kid, and don't be the fucking asshole who forgets.
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