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Everything posted by ReackOne

  1. Nah, Just good can control I guess
  2. this looks like it would be so much fun! haha Dope thread!
  3. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! nice pets people :lol: dressing up a dog as a hotdog... priceless! :lol:
  4. None taken... Im just saying what I think :) my shit aint that great, I know :lol:
  5. DOPE shit people. Post up some moar!
  6. ^ I dont really care anyways lol. Permanent stamp ink, 50 blue pens, 10 red pens, acetone and then some rubbing alcohol mix it up and BOOM! Shit stains hard!
  7. I think that this has some nice potential... I liking the one on the bottom... Keep it up and practice all chances you get. @Sheen: I dunno, Im just not feeling that style, nothing really changed from old one, but if you like it then keep on doing it. Its not bad...
  8. Satire and Alts dope sketches, you guys are totally killing it. Loving that shit! Whole page is awesome
  9. was that for my stickers or Sheens? oh well... Cant we all just get along?
  10. actually... Isnt DOT3 like corrosive or something and then it burns into the the surface and leaves ghost if its buffed with paint thinner?
  11. I been putting up some trades... Sheen has pretty cool stuff even tho that Charlie Sheen thing isnt the best idea he ever had... I been putting up lots of shit, what do you guys think? INB4 thats a GTA char... I know -.-
  12. fapfapfapfapfap... Looks good, some nice ass colours. How much does this shit go for?
  13. False. I prefer hot weather. TPBM chews with their mouth open
  14. ^ also the chip coming from T is completely pointless. :|
  15. Cesto Exchange. I'm not liking the 3D's. Screwed that up on C. anyways, crits please =]
  16. Been putting up trades and doing combo breakers :D Trades by Alts, Ruck, Neber, IFOUR, Evrst.
  17. FUCK YES! This shit is so fucking dope its unbelievable haha :D
  18. ^ Yeah. Im gonna send you a few once I print man.
  19. New sticker design. Im printing it soon.
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