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Everything posted by ..romero..

  1. how old are you? i know christo and alts are geezers, don't tell me you are too haha.
  2. yo fool i got alot of respect for you as far as you putting out dope sketches on here, but frankly there is no bite here. atleast i don't see it, having checked both of your flickr's. the only thing i see in common with yall is your name. i don't see any reason to jump on a dude who lives on the other side of the country doing chill spots who will probably change his name in the future anyways. alot of people write my name, like alot haha.but its whatever because none to my knowledge are even near where i stay at so its like fuck em.
  3. edit: FUCK! anyways, i can't seem to bump flicks without fucking it up so much respect to kombo for that piece, that made my day and then those simples eels or back in '88 posted a while back, the ones with the silver fills on the red wall, and that AY throw too. props when i get around to it.
  4. he fucking better. atleast to explain himself and that flagrant ass bite.
  5. marm and resk burnin up that wall.
  6. FUCK. i propped you. don't worry. i'll get you back later. fuck mornings. amirite guys?
  7. its on this page and is therefore still relevant. negged. have you ever posted anything in this thread? i can't remember.
  8. Fixed. Judging by their attitudes they probably don't have anything worth looking at.
  9. don't trip freak. i have the habit of doing the first and second letter and then abandoning it all together. anyone who's done an exchange with me knows how long it takes me to finish some shit. i should just write a 2 letter word and do it up big like a bawse. does anyone even say "like a bawse" anymore? whatever. im always late to these fucking things. im bringing that shit back though.
  10. thanks. and yeah, the second paragraph sums up exactly what im doing. adding half a block everyweek or so. but i haven't been doing it every day like i should because the weather has been shitty lately. im going to check out the pushup site though because i don't need to worry about the weather with those. hahaha thanks. i'd prop you for all the suggestions but i must spread rep.
  11. "no disrespect romero but fuck your tag bro" :lol: nah, jk. i like to practice flares that way though. its a good way to waste 97 cents.
  12. your shitty attitude matches well with your shitty sketch. gtfoh.
  13. lol what do you mean? about the starch being lame or about the handstyles coming out weird? do you have that problem too or is it just me?
  14. practicing with startch, lame i know..but fuck it. any requests? haha. im bored bored bored
  15. yo mek, you want to do an exchange at some point? i finished up the one for bowzer a while ago so i need something else to do haha.
  16. so i got a question, and im hoping some of the older heads who are more experienced can give me some advice on this, i noticed that when im hitting shit up with a marker and its at eye level or above i have no problem and it comes out looking on point more or less, but whenever i stand up and write from chest level and below i find my tags come out looking hella ugly and lopsided. i was just wondering if this is normal or not. does anyone else have this sort of problem? and if so how do you remedy it without having to bend over and shit. im assuming its because im not getting the same kind of wrist motion and im holding my hand at a different angle, but i don't know if its that or if its because im just out of practice. its probably a stupid question, but i just wanted to know if any of you guys have noticed something similar or if its just a sign of lack of skill/practice etc. i don't have this kind of problem when im using paint though. im buggin on it haha, because im like "well shit i can hit it from this angle, but when i hold it a little lower its like a 5 year old did it" you know?
  17. i guess its true what they say, "toys will be toys" lolol.
  18. false. they're going to hell for all the queerness. tpbm is a fan of dancing with the stars and is not ashamed. cherly burke would get the dick.
  19. false, im sweating to death in my un aircondtioned apartment with the windows closed because i don't want to listen to these hoodrat kids scream all night long. tpbm would tap that in regards to sandra bullock.
  20. false? you sound like ben affleck in the town in my head. im making the assumption you are from boston but have no basis for that. false. i still use CD's from time to time. tpbm does not eat pork
  21. starving to death while watching msnbc even though i hate chris mathews with a passion.
  22. hella props to eido, viper, basa and quiz for those pieces. great page!
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