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Everything posted by DeSent

  1. sakes, think before you post. you and, your vagina
  2. disregard females acquire currency
  3. straight faygo (note i am in no way a juggalo) would like to know how magnets work though
  4. rocket powered jet packs /\ with cup holders
  5. oh well least it got flicked
  6. DeSent


    one liner you good mang, and yah the lip does bring off a y & d look but its illegible legibility is dope.
  7. DeSent


    never said such things. ? its and obvious Y if you ask me, just sayin
  8. that form & Grin Roller.
  9. DeSent


    yeah handstyles, but in brick slayers
  10. DeSent


    That shits dope ! /\ Wrong thread though
  11. this is fucking dope, as, fuck
  12. i might be pretty toy, but thats a fucking insult to say im as bad as that so yah, fuck you. an those five year old drawings
  13. close your graf career homie.
  14. having a nervous break down hoping i can pay for rent... DATS REAL.
  15. To high and lazy to post any kind of link and or photo, but i just watched, SUCKER PUNCH, and it was AWESOME. Fap approved
  16. Philly hands... there's just no need for any other kinds, sorry... dats real
  17. hahaha god dang im trippin, i thought that backwards puke throw said serup.... losing it...:dunce:
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