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Everything posted by DeSent

  1. Ya, Son, Ya! ,shits dope, cant prob, done be proped already you have
  2. Hollow Throwys: *Save paint *allow for more hollow throwys Prime example, of getting up /\ bump puke and gringo
  3. that halo. thats real...
  4. DeSent


    Some oldies, but there still dope as fuck. /\
  5. I want to neg prop some of these post, Thats how horrible these so called "tattoos'' are, hahaha but its not the posters fault just internetz tattoo kits...
  6. people that get everything fucking handed to them. oh an the human race in general. including myself.
  7. face tat day! theres only one fri 13th this year, gotta do it. dats real
  8. DeSent


    silencer, sick & consistant, proportions are always on fucking point.
  9. killing it, bin laden win,
  10. So Swif, that skin flick be a little close, some may say to close, you do that on your self bra, hahaha... no homo
  11. last page was killen it! them stoe fill's are fucking sick.
  12. show me some legit photos and ill believe it, usa you are really fucking dumb, For real, if you believe that shit without proof...
  13. that tat zap oil piece is fucking sick, props
  14. that would be a waste of a sticker.
  15. camera angles dont make them look any better dood. /\
  16. god damn tour, shit keeps lookin better an better.... u should be a representative for practice makes perfect. on the real
  17. DeSent


    Cant wait for the new fucking page... consolidate next time brah
  18. my post would start a new page.... either way last page is dope.
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