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Everything posted by DeSent

  1. that crushin hoods pic is dope, nice fisheye
  2. Thread already exist, thanks
  3. My bad for posting this in a no graff content area... me and my "graffiti computer" apologize
  4. Post ur Flicks of some comedic graffiti or just pointless use of a spray paint can by someone who doesn't even write. Spray paint markers whatever, fuck even some toy ass shit that someone really tried hard on but had an "epic" fail..... GO :D
  5. He was in the film Exit through the gift shop to, he gets up, thats for sure. One for sure is that he didnt do that on that peice... haha bitten ass mf
  6. God damn it i love this shit... Bump Graf.
  7. Re: Great Pictures~ Absolute most addictive thread, got all the way to like page 60 by the time i stopped haha... thanks alot for putting all the work into this one guys..
  8. Dear TV, I would like to ask for you to kill yourself please, thank you.
  9. boondocks dude is gonna need alot of "stinking rope" for this one!
  10. dont drink the water in Anywhere...
  11. Never regret anything that makes you smile, Never trust anyone that would lie to you, and never lie to someone you trust. alphabet dawg
  12. Tragedy, Darkest Hour, Dethklok death album II, The Expendables, an some other shit
  13. is hoping my dick dont fall off... Damn dirty bitches hahaha
  14. Yeah some bad ass Hand drawn script is gonna be choice man its looks good by itself or with some filagre, how ever you spell that which is the line work underneath. Just choice your artist wisely
  15. Front page vandalism an the patriots! Yes! hahahahaha
  16. Someone please post some flicks, this page is a fucking giant headache.
  17. if you were an automobile you'd be a Bentley
  18. yeah he just slam's big shit, but i give em credit because he eats that hell out of the pavement and still gets back up
  19. haha sorry im high as hell, heres a good bmx video to keep topic, this dudes the bee's knee's... colt fake
  20. good point, but you know when something happens that makes you say fucking a its a small world.
  21. this is like the... "how to find me on the streets thread"...
  22. thats dope, the dripping tag that was projected was awsome...
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