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Everything posted by fiddly.bits

  1. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/4/lyncdu.jpg/ Uploaded with ImageShack.us Crits/comments? Also I go to 12ozprophet.com and my virus protection has to stop a virus, not cool guys, not cool.
  2. Hey guys, I just wanted some advice, I realise asking advice in the toy thread might be a little dull of me, but I believe toys will know the answer to my question as well, so I wont clog up other places :rolleyes: . I have a great spot that I want to leave a screaming simp at, but I'm a little tight on cash. Therefore using a fat cap on about an 8 foot wall, how much paint should an outline on 3-4 letters take up? Thanks.
  3. Seconded. But then again I've only heard one song (I liked it =.=), but I haven't searched for more :rolleyes: :huh:
  4. @Scoe, Watch bar widths, the top of the right hand bar E fattens out at the top. Same with the O. It hangs over the top of the next bar. The top of the O is huge compared to the rest of your bars. IMO you need to find strong simp letters (Look at Freak, his simps are great and look like he knows what he wants to do and they don't look weird, it all looks in place), but props for doing simples - it is better than your last post. If someone is on here and can give you better advice, i'll edit my post and remove everything :D. ALSO; @Soul: Mr. Wiggles is a font on "graffiti creator" (google it if you really want to know :P). Graffiti Creator is held in contempt by just about every writer as toys think it's a quick fix to being ultimate grafftagbombkingeroner.
  5. Personally I think Zeph had more claim to that R.. Just saying. Also; bump Duster, loving his stuff :). EDIT: Not the best Zeph tag I could have chosen. Ahwell, cbf'd.
  6. I'm loving the throw. Nice job. Can't prop you cause I used to much for 24 hours :|.
  7. I have a few books that aren't even toy posting worthy :lol: . I'm probably just going to keep them and look back at them and be like :D . Ahaha. New flicks? I want to see how far you've come.
  8. Oh cock. I just realised your right :o. FFFFFUUUU--- That sucks but atm I cbf'd to fix it.............. BAAAAAAAH. Lol.
  9. $2? Also; at rambling guy: 146iqoner.
  10. You realise that the sun is a star and not considered that big in relation to others right? You also realise that the sun is over 6000 degrees celcius on its edge. Which means, if I die cause some jackass sets off a star on earth, I will go up to heaven and beat the deading (I can't saying living :P) crap out of him. It'll be a damn smackdown. Any miscalculation and we are going to get fried. The sun is X amount of space away, imagine the sun right outside your window. Does no one else feel like this is possibly maybe just a LITTLE dangerous?
  11. Exchange with Phere. Bit got cut off and I know my characs are toy (I mean, so's everything else.. lol..that's why it's in pencil). Critssssssssssssssssssssss/whatever?
  12. Gtfo toy paint thread lol. Thats awesome especially freestyled.
  13. I can't prop Mar, but damn straight he deserves it. Had me laughing for ages. Lol. Also I concur with the idea that it would be game over before we saw aliens.. Good thread. Anyone know about Stephen Hawkings kids (he has 3 I think and none of them have a wikipedia page :P).
  14. In regards to the sheep comment; You say you remember when they were a rarity, from what I have gathered from this thread, others have not. This is the deremining factor in a couple of posts I have read; they're used to it. Don't worry though, I refuse to have someone record when I go to the bathroom :lol: . @British people, if you go into a store/public place wearing a bandana over your face, are you arrested or whatever? Cause you could have an etch spree in all the public bathrooms you find :lol: . Make some sort of occassion for it, the person with the most cameras down wins a bottle of Smirnoff :lol: .
  15. @schnitzel, I understand what your saying and I agree, but I would rather learn can control after I can sketch something decent. I understand when I go out to paint it's going to be horrid, but I can accept that. I don't mind people getting up aslong as they have thought about what they're trying to do. I don't even need to be impressed, if I can see effort then that's enough for me but why would you want to have good can control with no style? Stolen from toy thread. I'm just saying I wouldn't like to see stuff like that painted even with fantastic can control. Just so everyone knows, ULT doesn't have any style, he just writes ULT everywhere. I mean, a metre squared simp is the best i've ever seen from the tool. ALSO; THE VIEW<OPRAH. TYVM.
  16. What if you spell it differently? :P Honestly; is color the word?
  17. Lol, but what does that have to do with anything? I don't rack, because as part of a relitively small majority of writers who are caucasian, I like to keep things legal. Also, because theres only one store in my city that sells Ironlak :\. Also, I said "I dare" not "you should". Anyone can tell i'm joking, so don't come arresting me... I know your probably not a cop, but for those cops out there.
  18. I dare someone to rack paint in a berkha. Possibly a great way to get Islamic communities against British police states. Think about it, you rack like 300 cans (if your awesome like Zephyr [i think, from Dondis book]) thats $1500 if you get cheap paint and they will ban berkhas which will make Muslims rage. It sucks hoodies are banned :(. I like hoodies. Also with Berkhas, you can hide the paint in the whole front of it, just act like your tying up your shoes, and have a secret pocket or whatever (I saw this way to do it on the news and was like WOAH! but I can't explain it, cause it's confusing).
  19. AHAHA!^ This is actually a really nice thread. Also; Australians may have necessary exports, but some politicians (I'm talking about a little weiner called KEVIN RUDD [our current PM]) are pretty daft. I believe that Uranium is being sold to the Chinese. Smart move, eh? With no one to regulate what they do with it, theres probably a new cold war coming :P. Just my thoughts. I want to see what happens with China's economy however, as what everyones said seems to be true. Keep us informed :D.
  20. @Cracked, well that just made me go "o.0". I personally wouldn't want to get my hands dirty, but I feel the same way as you, however I might not use the paint/etch idea unless I was wearing a ghetto bandana of some fashion. Perhaps a yankees cap and a hoodie for added style. Stickers i'd use without disguise and put them up everywhere :D. Cops was good in case anyone was wondering. If CCTV gets as big as Britain where I am, I might feel inclined to buy more stickers. :lol: . Just to clarify, has anyone gotten in trouble for anything stated? Mock shootings or whatever? Aren't the parents uber raging?
  21. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Apple inc. Why make the iPad? The appeal of the iTouch/phone was that it was small. It's like you have a cultist following. Oh, wait you do. They are the huge faggots that drive around with your sticker on their cars because they are OH SO SMART. Also, does no one else notice that the specs for a Mac computers are GROSSLY overpriced? By thousands of dollars. It is also harder to mod your computer because they are all encased and you can't even do simple things like install more RAM. I would just like to say that Microsoft > Mac. I haven't tried other operating systems, but I know damn sure that Microsoft is a metric fucktonne better than Macs for gaming, office use (MS OFFICE ANYONE?), and there are so many more applications for Windows that are totally awesome. Mac think they are so damn awesome cause they have boot camp? Well that doesn't mean squat, Windows can do that too, you just need to download some stuff, and while your at it, why not buy the computer with the same specs for a cheaper price and use Apple operating system if you MUST although theres no reason to. Mac's don't crash? I have pics and personal experience that say that is a load of bs. Mac's don't get viruses? Bs, just no one can be bothered to mass produce them because, let's face it, Mac's aren't worth it with their what? 5% market share made up of mostly artistic losers or university "genii" who think they are the bomb. The only thing that Mac has going for it is it's design which Windows can't compete cause they make SOFTWARE DERP DERP DERP. I have a LOT more I could say on the topic, but I know theres probably like 1 person reading this now while 35 others are writing back to say "too long didn't read" or "OMGZZ I AM SO SOOPAR SMAAART DATS WHY I CAN HAZ MACTOP PLZ?". To the latter replies; fuck you. So, I will finish up now. If you couldn't be bothered to read: Microsoft > Mac and also Mac = STOOPID. /no homo --Fiddly.
  22. Phere, check your pms. Also, photobucket picture not working for your pic phere.
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