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Everything posted by jαm//wαttle

  1. HAHAHA 2 fuckin black kids were running across the cross-walk tonight as i'm drivin home, and the light was GREEN, so i slowed down a little bit, then started going again, and fuckin 3rd one comes out of noewhere, nearly invisible barely gets by without me hitting him, CUZ THEY ALL HAD DARK ASS CLOTHES ON COULDNT SEE THEM, AND THEY KNOW THAT SHIT TOO
  2. A coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the head of a maggot or the larva of a bluebottle fly (Protophormia sp.) with tiny teeth-like fangs extending from its mouth. The maggots of this fly are used medicinally to clean wounds. The maggots are sterilised and placed in the wound, where they feed on dead tissue and leave healthy tissue untouched. Their saliva contains anti- bacterial chemicals which maintain sterility in the area. Maggots are used on ulcers and deep wounds away from organs or body cavities, most often being used to treat diabetic ulcers on the feet Coloured scanning electron micrograph of a common housefly (Musca domestica). The head is dominated by a pair of large compound eyes, each eye composed of about 4000 image-forming facets called ommatidia. Mouthparts are visible between and beneath the eyes. Hairs on the head and body act as tactile organs. Houseflies tend to feed on decomposing matter as well as human food, and they may pick up and transmit serious diseases to humans http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/picture-galleries/7924099/Creepy-crawlies-Amazing-Scanning-Electron-Microscope-pictures-of-insects-and-spiders.html
  3. Zionist conspiracy to create economic prisons for the masses
  4. Re: Great Pictures~ the story is theres a man made of fire standing there
  5. shouldnt it be 3-15-19.. confused, and dissapearing posts. this thread is shot full of holes
  6. wish i had some... but damn u know those cheap ass 1.50 half/half cookies are bomb..
  7. store bought fake meat is SHIT make some gluten at home and tell me that isnt bomb.. and its tought like a steak too then u just make some bean burgers instead of hamburgers and ur good to go
  8. cruelty free... except cutting the mother plant's (animals) limb off of course.. the leg will just grow other legs like a mj clone grows nugs.. :lol: oh and honestly on the meat tip, unless u have complete proteins in ur diet somehow (like beans +rice, or beans + corn) ur gonna be craving meat, and its gonna suck, but if u substitute some good combinations to make protein, then u will be fine, cuz i know hemp isnt the easiest to come by in this country VV im glad u have to waste a post to tell me that VV
  9. tofu is gross as it gets, im tellin u man, the best way is to make some wheat gluten, that shit is wayyy bomb, and the whole "anti-gluten" thing is just hype.. its way better for you then soy oh and bean burgers (homemade) are the beezy too, AND if u make a bean burger with corn in it, or some kind of grain in it, the bean+corn (or grain) combines to porovide complete protein// the only truly 100%-complete protein in plants (meaning it has every amino acid) is hemp, and thats the fact. they say soy is close, but it still doesnt match up, its only a bean, and there are much tastier less-faggy beans out there (pinto black etc) so u just combine those with some corn and its good to go.. milk substitute = horchata egg substitute = idk... eggplant?
  10. Wax, or the Discovery of Television Among the Bees http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105791/
  11. how the hell is jack in the box self-checkout? cafeteria style season fries and shakes? :lol:
  12. heres a tip: turbinado sugar instead of regular sugar.. regular sugar and brown sugar alike are filtered through bone char (animal bone filters)
  13. u know what fucks me up? milk.. gotta start making my own harchata instead of drinking nasty ass dairy.
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