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Everything posted by IllSkillet

  1. thanks for the flics 100%juice...
  2. thanks for the flics abortyourmind and image228
  3. Demo by Etch Etch by Demo Sik Fuse Fuse Scribble Jam (in Cincinnati, OH)
  4. Pasiv R.I.P Swae Find Shore in Gary
  5. Zion rooftop at the old drake factory near Broad Ripple Shore inside the drake Demo, Eros, and Shore spotted in Maine First production on the american tent wall Shore on the american tent wall Bboy by Rok and Jinx and Shore with Rok, Jinx, Mane R.I.P., and Demo across from the old drake factory First production on the american tent wall Demo, Un1, and Shore rollin character by Eros Dem and Sez42 Mane R.I.P. in Indianapolis at the old drake factory paint stash with the older krylons, american accents, and rustos Shore Shore, Demo, TFD by Rok and Jinx spotted in St. Louis (first pieces at the now defunct blue wall spot) Shore and Sufr x2 Real13, Keas over Baks, Shore, Demo, Sez42 spotted in Atlanta Shore Kaos Pn by Plan MTK by Grock at older Subsurface in Broad Ripple
  6. Below Mut One Pure 97 and Fuse Pure 97 Aven and Below The Solo Artist and Fuse Wigh Find Fuse Fuse Un1 Vinak Skue Skue Mut One Real13 Fuse Demo and Crow Pure 97 and Soal
  7. I gotta try to find em...
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