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Everything posted by IllSkillet

  1. like I said... I'll still kick reup's ass... one on one tone reup glue.... throw that bill on the bus when you're in the midwest and I'm crumblin up my dark grey construction square piece of paper and hittin you in the head with it.
  2. when a crew tries to disrespect one person you know that crew are toys... just saying...
  3. I figured out caliGULA's bank account password after I figured out his password for this site today in the morning... I told no one about it, but wrote it on a piece of paper. I still have it, although I know deep down inside he is really mad about it. Send me S.A.S.E. and address it to Richard. You know my address, weren't you just in my hood the other day?
  4. you should make a reup vending machine cause too many are asking me for a piece and I have to resort to taking "its" to give to them
  5. make a dirt pile on the top of one of those
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