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Everything posted by IllSkillet

  1. that's you talking about your dead or soon to be dead momma
  2. I fight like reup's daughter... haha... or I'm dead...
  3. Only you and I know that in a fight, I would win, that's why you didn't say anything back to me, you're saving your speech because you are so skurred... go ahead and publicly name a boxing ring in my town, Indianapolis, come thru, because I am so poor and can't afford to get out of here... I know what you look like and I am sure, you thinking about me all the time, like you're momma, knows what I look like, not even given the fact that your daddy has my picture taped to the bottom of his cane.
  4. May 17, 2012 prepare yourselves for the fight between reup and durt's exdaddy buried in montana... the fight is on, a weak, small minded, little negro that continuously thinks he is bigger than me vs a pile of dust... the prize: durt opens his buttocks and lets hairy simba, reup, all of 2dx toy crew, and nouse's thought of messing with his "sistas" oversized fat cells enter into the dark realm of durt's currently military style haircut with 3 lines in the back mohawk. maurice k. thornton will broadcast this event through his tears, he's only 4, and mini dirt will be the feed sucking off the unwanted viewers through the sewer of maurice k. thornton through artima's coughing and bonethritis.
  5. Only because hillbilles and their inbred descendants that have changed color through artima and maurices love connection on hambone island need to be reprimanded when they make the wrong decisions. Any of you other 2dx toys have anything else to say, have a chat with mo love's uzi-shaped pellet gun after he receives the planned change of reup trying to bite of his wanker and filling the sky in his rage with plastic pellets because his paranoid sister stole all the rusty metal from the clinic where ronnie tried to suck off dek.
  6. at least I am not shedding tears for an oyster that was without anything inside of it except for the mush you got from sucking off maurice's mammy's pecker and then threatening to use a black knife as payback for when he didn't expel anything white enough for you and your brat
  7. Shore - "reup is such a little bitch that the above username was created to try to imply some type of reward system for writers for trying to stop Shore from completing his piece"
  8. I see.... another weak shithead trying to talk some stuff... you mute boy... I know you're not screaming you killers but you're trying in other ways, like that screen name, to come off as hard... I perceive zine as a daisy among daffodils. what's your next move to write your life story on reup's rear end and photograph it and post it online as "human graff"? I have been to New York a few times, had a great time, never saw you up, its funny how I read articles from some in New York City saying about how there is so much weak shit they have to put up with out there, you and your fam rep that aspect to purvey to out of towners that there are always going to be some daffodils in an area surrounded by other, more important things... and the females that lag around you, as I have regretfully encountered a foul sight of reup's second mammy, must be ugly like your thoughts as well
  9. First of all, I never posted any of them others in my posts, so if you want to bump them, go look for their shit and bump it on your own post... secondly, I never met glue either, but he seems weak... I seen that video where they chase the last solid cold car around... shit didn't really impress me and neither does glue's attempt at trying to bubble with other's through someone else while forgetting about his roots... he should be cleaning his self and practicing applications of "real" human hair on the heads of his wop ass mammy. You're on a web-site defending some wannabes trying to spray paint, saying it is an art medium, but in a real secretive manner as a cop out for trying to fight... I made this post, damn... and you read it... Let me ask you this, what was duck-re's purpose for leaving his crib hundreds of miles away? He got what he deserved when I called him a sucka and he didn't do anything about it... and now his anger has somehow escaped onto some other toys and I guess they're skurred of duck-re so now they're trying to start shit with me...
  10. myth and his station wagon sitting in princess front wheel with mel watchin reup trying to come up with a new hambone through front wheel
  11. this is IllSkillet writing to all ya'll: reup from 2dx and every associate of his is a bitch I've been accused of bothering kool kieth my entire life, which is true. As of last year, the lame emcee finally paid a visit to my town and as we passed each other on the main street in town, that clown didn't sssssay anything to me, except try to project some hollywood type of 12 noon type of bullshit. That toy tower and that toy reup can suck themselves off like princess super"wannabe the color of my turd" and that high flying steward on delta airlines literally flying on another ultrafaggot emcee. And as for durt... you're quality rock station on the AM dial ran into his "own" braces too many times... go steal yourself another car from that used parking lot dealership west of the strip in Vegas and tell myth if he really wants to fight to go to missolu montana to fuck your junkball from canada So reup... I know you want to meet me again, and I know you want to do it in the 38th st. neighborhood of my town, and I know you just e-mailed me yesterday... but instead of e-mailing me with haha, kill m** t** and then meet me on w****** st., same place as last time on the 12th of may, 2012
  12. Thankfully that woman is farting on Reup
  13. a few to get rid of the saltiness
  14. what is your mommas blackhead?
  15. some downtown benching.... that aware and jaber whole car is fresh
  16. Unfortunately 25mb is maximum for sending files via e-mail service, so feel free to contact with donations to upgrade threat-mag.com and to reduce the size of the videos these images were taken from.
  17. some nice shots and nice pieces too
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