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Cult 50

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Everything posted by Cult 50

  1. we all got morals man, not that anyone should care about eachothers morals...
  2. Eell after many weeks of testing, practicing, reviewing, and such I have figured that most of what I knew was wrong! Therefore I am here and I guess I'm "somewhat" better? And yeah rusto is better, or at least now it is, it's just that it kinda pained me to throw away what i began with and all...but in the end you gotta do what u gotta do.
  3. ^^^hmmm i like that one
  4. usually threads like this are for those who want people to pity them and to give them the satisfaction that their lives have more meaning than others
  5. I like graff because I can, and the fact that you can roll down the streets and here people say "looks like _____ has hit up another spot!", but mainly just cause I can :P
  6. Cult 50

    Just Wow...

    Normally I like above but this is just bullshit...
  7. noooo i dont like youtube links anymore Xd
  8. but ive never heard of a parent/guardian sending a kid to there room while not checking up on them, unless the kid went right in there and did the deed then i can see why its sad
  9. I almost don't feel bad for that family for the reason of not paying attention to their kid...buuutt then again the lil' tyke had no grasp on the value of a human life..
  10. now that was quite uncalled for wasnt it?
  11. step 1:take acid step 2:turn on pink floyd step 3:feel the sounds and hear the colors
  12. i love pink floyd, listenin' to it right now...hmmm its better when ur trippin off acid tho..like yeah man i can feel the sound and hear colors maaannn!!! XD
  13. ahhhhh big red letters *procedes to go practice under bed* but no i just wanted a crit on some older work to see if it would be able to go with the newer stuff, like combining styles and such
  14. yeah i have a complex about proportion lol but like i said made this awhile ago wuz jus diggin through all my old junk
  15. i made this awhile ago 9's outta proportion idk just wonderin what yall think i dont like it 2 much well better go work some more =P oh and btw u might have to look hard to c the lines(horrible quality)
  16. ......rly? or is that sarcasm?
  17. yeah it is a toy idea...letters would mainly be anything that doesnt curve like T, K, L, E, etc.
  18. i dont rly have options right now it seems that all the original/good names have been taken
  19. hey man im rdy im plannin on changin my name anyway but i havent come up with nuthin yet
  20. just got back in regular skool and its a pain in the ass Xd
  21. i write cult not colt and 50 not 45
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