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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. I'm looking to get some used models real cheap. maybe i can experiment with weathering. There used to be an awesome local place with a bargain bin...got a few sweet ones and accessories for real cheap. I'm in the NYC/Jersey area. Anyone know of a shop that I might be able to find something like that around there? I know there's ebay, but shipping adds up if i want a lot. New ones are out of my price range. If anyone can help that would rule.
  2. great flicks. Suga rocked it. that's next level. that second one has to be legal...right?
  3. it's a shame about the buff. we all know it's a scam. "millions of dollars each year to clean up graffiti" ??? Maybe a few thousand..bucket paint and cheap hourly workers = kickbacks. All while they take from schools and parks, give the tax breaks to the rich, and kill our middle class. maybe some of you guys can coat the buff with some political graffiti. Wouldn't mind seeing a bunch of "Fuck Christie" tags on them highways. R.I.P. to 22 there was a lot of shit running for years. here's just a few recent highway shots in before the buff.
  4. nice flicks. this is from some kind of Lost City or somethin'.....
  5. im at like a 90% smash percentage for the thread. that doesn't say much about me.
  6. frog kitten on that cute tip.
  7. OHIOWA. bump my boys from Sandusky!!!!
  8. also, did anyone make it out to the Kemos art show? Didn't get a chance to, anyone got any flicks of whatever he did?
  9. that's not really the point. point is a diss was made. we'll see what happens with it. I'm going to microwave some popcorn, anyone want some?
  10. those niet throws are dope. feelin' that yellow filled one in Portland.
  11. that stuff was refreshing. looks like they are having fun. ah to be a toy again. bump the fresh prince though, diggin that.
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