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bbq vibes

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Everything posted by bbq vibes

  1. 94 made a thread (it wasnt funny)
  2. awesome flicks as per Mercer, fire from Mr. Darcy too. this movie was good, but the first half was him NOT smoking weed .. sure the stand-up was funny, but i was waiting for him to get super baked and do some funny shit ... then when the 30 days are up and he starts smoking there's hardly any more lol's than in the first half. that song at the end was pretty dope though.
  3. sounds awesome, looking forward to the flicks.
  4. damn im 24'd for the first time. blood fart those flicks were so rad, i need to go travelling. crazy german one man band ftw!
  5. good game. pretty stoked for wimbledon.
  6. Tags: God Jesus Holy Ghost drunk drugs alcohol whacked slippty slapped jacked up on sauced juiced glory fire love loveifed hammered shaka intoxicated slammed sloshed pickled inerbriated soused tipsy tanked wasted sozzled hangover snockered marinated coke cocaine pot majiauna mary jane :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. had to battle with this shitty beast for the most part of the week.
  8. nice one, mad relaxing. props.
  9. damn that sucks, rip. though ... erotic asphyxiation was the first thing that came to my head when i heard "accidental hanging", dude shoulda got himself a spotter /nh sayin', to die wanking after a day of solid drinking ... i've heard of worse ways to kick it.
  10. ^ word! i even move when i sleep, im such a fidget. when im conscious i vent it through drumming and skating. enigmatic, you sound like you should get yourself a drum kit man. leg bouncing ftw.
  11. browsing this thread there are some awesome contributors, and some rad cameras, i need to upgrade. here's a few off a random disposable i had to grab when my battery ran out on me, just when we were headed to la seu cathedral, which is amazing. i was totally bummed but when i got the flicks developed i was pretty stoked with the effect.
  12. so they're gonna wait 'till kid's old enough to face trial, surely?
  13. public art can seriously be an eye-rape. that’s about it. the weather was bomb, i was there for the champions league final, but didn’t take the camera cause i expected the entire city to be rammed with drunken spaniards. the bar i was at was insane, it was a fun night. but coming home to the typically shitty weather of england to find the sky looking like this for the most part of the week was fucking awesome.
  14. la rambla is just nice to say. busy market is awesome. diabetes. more i think ...
  15. they dig their mopeds, no doubt. pffft, wayyy out of my price-range, not really my thing either. just took the flick to stay classy. words cant describe how awesome this is. im sure i spent most of my time with neck cranked up 90 degrees, the architecture is so rad. more …
  16. so i just got back from a fucking awesome holiday in barcelona. as i was uploading the flicks onto my laptop, my housemate, gravitywgy, suggested i share them with you dudes. i was going to start a new thread, but it wouldn't let me ... due to only just registering, i presume? anyways whatever, enjoy: barcelona’s very own arc de triomf, built in these dudes were tapdancing, they sucked, as you can probably tell from this picture. this spot was chill as fuck. i dig this kind of european building. more …
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