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Everything posted by Doodle

  1. That sounds like a good breakfast ^ you lost me at stop drinking beer though.... i have cut down alot though
  2. silence. What's black when you buy it, red when you use it and white when you're done?
  3. such good food in here mmmmmmm Wild rice, beef stir fry with snow peas, onion, chili peppers and soy sauce. i'm not big on the presentation when it's just me eating...
  4. So i'm bored and thought of the greatest idea in the world........... post some riddles, the person that gets it posts the next one and so on....... for example: A man is six feet tall, is a clerk at a butcher shop and wears size 11 shoes. What does he weigh? yeah yeah tits.........
  5. I don't know how i feel about that combo.... but i'll try it out, why not
  6. true tpbm's favourite season is summer
  7. true tpbm wears shorts and a tshirt inside the house no matter what the weather is
  8. false tpbm agrees that the oz is wayyyy too slow
  9. true... occasionally though tpbm is allergic to something and will tell us what it is
  10. Yeah it sucks. Hopefully rudy can put up big points for us. Raptors still lack a front court though, i fucking hate bargnani
  11. i hope there are fines. this isn't even the first time this season this has happened to the raps. I'm not saying that the raptors are an amazing team but they could have a couple more wins if it wasn't for sketchy calls in games they lost by less than 5.
  12. So how many meals do you guys eat a day? Any tips for a good breakfast?
  13. Yeah well you can't make a statement like he did based on "what if"....he is lazy. Amazing wasted talent
  14. It was BS...Derozan clearly got fouled, they could have at least tied with a free throw or even won it. Raptors getting robbed.....again. I think i'm the only one that watches their games now that hockey is back.
  15. raptors finally making some moves.....rudy gay is coming to TO!
  16. false tpbm can do more than 50 consecutive push ups
  17. I think it's BS, when Lewis was asked about it yesterday he said "That guy made the same story in 2008, i don't give him any credibility" which doesn't say anything if he did or didn't use it but as pert said....who cares, the vikings wouldn't have gotten as far as they did without AP, i don't think the ravens would have made it to the bowl without lewis and his leadership. 4 days!!!! also...HAHA at randy moss
  18. I'm in! I hope people come through on this!
  19. Doodle


    Just got these yesterday. Very comfortable
  20. I don't see enough arrowz on this page.....fuckin toys
  21. from one toy to another sumy i'm not gonna lie i don't like that letter combo ahha but as illuminati said just stick to simples
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