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Banana fishd

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Everything posted by Banana fishd

  1. I love wu tang. I've never heard of this budden pudding man. So he loses.
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear F. Lexia, I was going to say something witty about the weird attachment to my post but I couldn't come up with anything with out sounding like a major creepo. Must be a coincidence. 12oz is shenannyginning- B. fish
  3. It was game night at the resturaunt we were at. There was a ton of people playing dungeons and dragons. Dudeface had to explain to me how to play it. I really hope those people in that picture above are a family. That would be so awesome. We are suppose to be studying. Hi lite all your favorite parts. Head to car Car doesnt start. I've been experiencing electrical difficulties as of late. So we walk back to get another car to jump mine. My camera got taken away from me after this. We were on a "timed schedule" and had no time for my frequent stops. Turned out I just needed gas. I fail.
  4. LosingMyMind: " I think Pet is now my favorite day in pies-er. That abandoned house looked amazing, especially the old negatives and work book thing. Sorry Bfish. You can up the game next time." Pet is one of my favorite contributors to this site as well. I am curious if the whole private sauna thing is mundane in Russia Pet? Only asking because I have a friend who's parents are from Russia, they built their sauna themselves and put it in their backyard. I think ...tues Get home. My aunt's dog isnt doing too well. She's like 20 years old and has been sitting in the same spot not really moving for some time. Start here. We sit on this porch a lot. Usually smoking. All of us at one point have told one another we were going to quit. What stifles us is that we can never make that decision all at once. Jelly belly has jelly beans that are purposely disgusting. They were very intrigued. I didnt try any. Get coffee. Go to work. My coworker has this thing where if she sits in a chair and she falls asleep almost instantly. Some times she talks in her sleep. A:/moves to other side of office “This is a nice seat. Why don’t you sit it in?” B: “I only use that seat to prop up my feet when I feel like sleeping. I don’t sit over there because it triggers me to drift into slumber.” A: /repositions self “It’s comfortable mah mah I could sleep here all…The meat’s in the fridge.” B: “I already took out the meat.” A: “Client needs to go to guest house for proper psych medication. Having withdrawals of the adsajklasdj boil lightly.” B: “Which client are you talking about?” Silence. B: “Cindy which client are you talking about?” /turns around to face A. A: “Talk to the Mark on Monday.” B: *sigh. My auntie decided to put her dog Lacie down because it started whimpering a lot and was in a lot of pain: A: "I am thinking of putting Lacie down. Last night all she did was cry. The methadone I been giving her aint working." B: "Where did you get methadone from?" A: "I got connections." B: "Is it okay to give dogs methadone?" A: "I dont see why not. It's just a pain pill." B: "It's the strongest pain pill there is isnt it?" A: "I dont know. I really wanted her to just go when she was ready but I cant stand to see her in so much pain." B: "You already call the vet?" A: "No. You want to come with me?" A: "Come look at what I found the other day." B: "Oh yeah I saw that yesterday. Why do you got that dove all locked up like that aunt sissy? Is it wild." A: "I dont know. I found it by my car. It was just laying there so I picked it up and took it home." B: "You just picked it up?" A: "Well yeah." B: "Hm. You cant keep a wild thing locked up like that. What if it has a dove wifey or something. Them things shack up ya know. I bet it's all depressed because it misses it's wife." A: "Nah. I think it lost it's partner. That's why it's all sad like. I am doing it a favor." B: "You're going to keep it?" A: "Yeah and I am gonna call it Lacie. If it aint a sign I dont know what is." B: "I think both our imaginations are running away with us." A: "I think I am gonna keep this dove and it dont matter what you say about imagination." B: "Touché." We waited around for a long while: B: "Aunt sissy how'd you find Lacie." I've heard the story a couple times before but I thought it good or something for her to tell it to me now for some reason. A: "Oh I found her by saint Josephs. Someone had left her and three other pups in a box. The other pups had knocked the box over and gotten out and got ran over. I had a tough time explaining to your cousins why someone would do something like that." B: "So she was the only one left?" A: "Yeah. When we first got her she was itty bitty. She useta fit in a doll house." We both head into the vet's office. And the vet says we should put her down. That she done lived already past her expectancy. So we cried like lil' girls: A: "It's tough growing up aint it." B: "Yeah you lose your dogs." C: "Ma'am would you like me to take the body now?" A: "No thank you. I am gonna bury it in my yard. You got a box I can put her in?" C: "I believe so. Let me go fetch you one." /comes back with box and puts Lacie in it. B: "Huhm." A: "What?" B: "She came in a box. We're gonna leave with her in a box." A: Laughs. "Yeah. Some go in a box." I dont know what kind of facial expression this is (I am bored). But we were waiting for food. Tofu crepe with no crepe.
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Interesting.
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Lex, Maybe since it's a big city...they have a halfway home or something you could sign up for till you find a new place? I dunno. Most people at halfway homes are nuts/hard to bear. That could be a biased opinion on my part tho. Possibly something to look into if youre not ready to go back to your side of the country and are out of options. Sorry to hear about the abrupt kicking out youre young and charming though something will turn up. :) crossing fingers for you- Banahhuh Fish.
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Lex, Where in the world have you been sir?!? It's been ages since I have seen your precious screen name on the grey screen of thee oontz. Has the new move treated you well? Happyyouarelurkingnetcafeandsomewhatgracingusw/yourEpresence- B.fish (Longest one worded sentence ever ^) ps. Everytime someone takes a break from this site or hasnt been on in awhile...I think they died or are in jail. It's bad. I prolly shouldnt think it...but I do. Dear Sey sey, Thank you for showing me those flashlights. I am gonna look into gettin one. But um...that flashlight the one in your days in pies post (that is what it is right?) is that yours? And if so...where did you get it? I want one. It looks so heavy duty amazing that making 3 am 8am would be possible. I am tired of the dark. Let there be light- B. graveyard fish
  8. It's a halfway home for thee homeless diagnosed with mental health stuff like schizo, Bi-polar, MDR things like that. Usually the clients are recovering addicts/still addicts. Sometimes I wish I could take pictures of this place and the people here. Lots of interesting stories. But then I'd prolly get fired because of some confidentiality hippa law. So I only take pictures of my space heater.
  9. I'd like 12 oz to know I am sick as well and softly miserable. I've drank about 3 cups of tea in the last two hours. As a result I have to frequent the bathroom upstairs a lot. Co-workers keep creeping me out telling me there's ghost up there because a hefty number of clients have offed themselves in room 4. I dont believe in ghosts but am totally afraid of the idea that they could exist. Every trip is a battle. Also my wisdom tooth is coming in. I've had to switch to chewing my food on the right side of my mouth. I am not very good at chewing with the right side so I have a cut now. Campbells is my friend for the time being. Woe is me.
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear pissdrankandnotshook, :eek: They make those?!?!? I am going to google it....riiiiight now. It might become my most favorite invention ever... next to but not greater than the space heater and electric blanket. thank ya kindly- B. fish
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear B. Boat, You are correct. caffienated and taking innocence- B. fish Dear only flashlight on site, Please work. I get scared going into clients rooms when its all dark and stuff. I keep thinking someone is going to pop out from the corner and ARRRHSJKDHA attack!! I dont think I could keep my cool in a situation like that. Light my way. startles easily- Banana anna
  12. No frozen yogurt in the future?! :eek: Casek you would like this movie. It seems good. I will try to keep my eyes open for it.
  13. Indian food is my double-edged sword. I love it lots but afterwards I always get sick. Me thinks I am allergic to some kinda spice or something.
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear tea and lemon, Thank you for making me feel better. <3 B. fish Dearest Suki, Arl thee v-cardies er where belongs to me. ;)
  15. A photo thread of your adventures would be awesome. Have fun Stan! :)
  16. I hate it when I realize there is a bug swimming in my coffee and I get all nervous optimistic like ‘I hope I discovered this bug before I drank out of this cup.’ And then I think: ‘Oh dear. What if I been drinking out this cup with a gnat doing summersaults in my coffee the whole time and didn’t notice? What if I’ve already eaten ten gnats and one of those gnats has some kinda disease I could die from?’ I hate it when you’re sick and you’re around someone you want to look adorable for and when you get to talking snot comes out of your nose. Embarrassing. I hate it when you go to a drive thru and you realize you left your card at home. So you gotta dig through your change purse er drawer (whatever) and come up with 5.50. And then you get a ‘broke beezy’ look from the gentleman at the register.
  17. It's not a porn...but I think it's about a girl who is dating this succesful guy and she's a um basically like a prostitute. I think the girl IRL was a porn star?
  18. I watched this the other day with the siblings. I liked it. Kinda funny. *edit. I didn't even notice the aforementioned Jim talk. He's good at what he does. To me at least.
  19. The temptations- Papa was a rolling stone
  20. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear stuffy nose, itchy eyes, and coldness. I am in a miserable state of discomfort. Thank goodness for space heaters. Who ever invented those little warm machines of pure delight should be Greek goddesses. I want to send them thank you notes and fruit cakes for the outstanding service they have done for mankind. I think I am getting delusional. Any who...point is...I love space heaters and hate you and that I blame the significant other. Unfortunately yours for the time being- B. fish. Ps. You are tricky attacking me with your gross feelings by playing on my desires for the mushy love feelings. Very tricky.
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