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Banana fishd

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Everything posted by Banana fishd

  1. Oh. Then I guess I'll stay inside and sleep. Maybe 33 yrs from now I'll be more prepared.
  2. I always read these threads too late... I would have liked to look at some meteors.
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Suki san, We should do that again. I had a good time conversing with you two. Maybe we can do the whole snowboarding thing when it gets colder. <3 b.fish ps. I should have stuck out my hand after you gave him that money. jk ;] YOU ARE FREEEEE NOW.
  4. I am jelly of dude too. But I feel fortunate enough that my grandpa shares his experiences through conversation. He's got about 6 stories he's told me over and over again. I want to tape record them all so I can share them with my kids.
  5. Suki I was just getting around to texting you and ask if you got home ok. Haha.
  6. His grandpa finally came around: B: You want to sit here. A: Oh no- B: Are you sure. A: Well yes..wait n- B: Here here sit. C: Are these pictures of you? A: Yeah. Some of them. B: How did you get all these pictures? A: I had a friend who's mother was dating a picture fella. He gave him a bunch of film...so my friend-his name was... oh I cant remember his name-but he asked me to set up a room for him to develope his pictures in the ship. And I said sure but I want a copy of all your pictures B: That's awesome. A: I thought it was a pretty fair trade. C: So what did you do in the military. A: Oh I was a motor machinist. B: Whats that. C: I drove big cars and since I been doing it my whole life since my pa had that trucking business I couldna asked for a better job. My capn told me once '____Rosa your the best damn machinist we ever had because you aint crashed nothing, you dont sleep on the job, and you dont drink all our booze.' C: Whats this about^ A: Oh that's when I ran into your uncle at Pearl Harbor. B: You were at Pearl Harbor? A: Whats that? C: She asked if you were at Pearl Harbor? A: Oh yeah. After it got attacked though. B: What was that like. C: Well you could still see the ships in the water. I was only there for awhile. And I had some downtime so I walked around for a bit and all of a sudden I see my brother. B: What did you say to him A: (Puts up hand) Hey Louis. Then I gave him a hug. :[ Ate homemade pie and he read an article about his grandpa's ship. He finished helping the grandma clean. A: So you read that article? C: Yeah...but...does it say your ship almost got hit? D: Yeah he did. B: What happened? A: We were out in the ocean and some distance from us there was a japanese ship. They fired at us but missed because they thought we was bigger. C: How close did they hit you? A: I felt it. I was below deck and nearly fell over. It's kinda cheesy to think...but...if that ship was made a lil bigger dude woulda never been born. I like em. So I am glad the ship was smaller than assumed. Go home.
  7. Got coffee with dude. Went here Bought this and this. Went to work had a meeting with one of my clients: Watch basketball with my uncle: A: What are you doing here? B: Oh I dunno I figured I'd watch this game with you. A: You dont like basketball anymore. Why not? B: Yes I do. I just- A: I know what happened you found out that boys dont like girls who like sports huh? B: NO! I- A: Yeah thats what happened. You traded in your basketball for mascara. Guilty as charged...sorta. The kings are just really a disappointing team to watch. Their defense game is terrible. Back at work. Breakfast and lunch. Held an art group at my job. They attempted to make assemblages. One of my older clients didn’t like any of the material I provided so she asked me to make a copy of one of her pictures: A: Wow. Did you take that photo? C: Yes. A: What is it? C: A sunset. A: So you’re like a photographer huh. That’s really awesome. Really good profession. C: I just take pictures of the places I go. Im no photographer. A: Yeah photographers make a lot of money. I bet you made A lot of money as a photographer. C: I am actually not a photographer. A: I knew this one photographer once and He was loaded man- C: But Im- A: You could probably sell your stuff. Banana. I cant do this. I cant find a dove. I give up. B: There’s a page with a lot of birds there. A: There’s no doves though. I want to make something for my boyfriend. It’s his birthday. B: What are you trying to make? A: Oh. A road ya know. Because the only time we spend together is in the car. He likes to drive. And the in the middle of the road I want a dove because doves are all about love. But. I am having A problem with the dashes in the road. I don’t know how to draw them. B: Ah I see. Just start off big and then work your way to getting smaller and smaller. Like this. A: Yeah…I don’t know how to do that. I give up. It made me a lil sad face that this chick only spends time with her dude in a car cuz Dudes married. When he comes to pick her up from the site I can see his kids car seat in the back. I want to say he doesn’t deserve her childlike drawing of a road and dove, but maybe he does… Made him drive to Martinez, to have dinner with his grandparents. I always feel really weird when I go have dinner with his grandparents. They wont let me help them do anything. In my family the younger women put the table together, clean the dishes, make sure everyone’s drinks are full, etc. There I am completely worthless. I always think maybe I should just worm my way into the kitchen and figure out how to help them…but some people get offended when you do things like that. So I sit at the table for a considerable amount of time debating with my self what I should do. Next time I think I’ll just chance it and impose my need to help on them. Got a tour of their house. His grandpa made this den type thing. B: OHHH MY GAWD! Look at you! A: Yeah…I was pretty cute. B: ssdfjsakdjals…wait is that a girl jacket? A: What?! No! B: Yeah it is. Look it has hearts. A: Those aren’t hearts. They’re beets. B: Sure. I knew there was a reason I liked his grandma so much. This kinda scared me. Eat dinner. His grandpa left this photo book out for him to look at. I think it's pretty awesome that someone saved all these news paper clips for his grandpa.
  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear cali- That cheap place in the heights only takes cash. :[ I am no picky eater...have you eaten at that ethiopian spot on broadway? -Banana
  9. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear carigua/suki san Where is the eating going down? Looking forward- B. fish ps to cali- Nah.. Andy's is a veggie place. But really good. That other place is in the heights. Really good too... and they serve meat!
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dearest Suki San, I'd like that and I dont work that day so I should be free. Lets eat at Andy's! Or try that mysterious ramen house. <3 lil' fish Ps. Dont worry about my cousin. Dude owes me like two hundred. So Ill just like add it to his tab. ;]
  11. Lol. I just barely started dabbling in Pink floyd. They all right. I am not big on super weird obscure things as of yet. So Im keeping simple. Johnny Cash- I shall not be moved.
  12. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear zebra, I am bummed. That llama farm sounded like all kinds of amazing. But I am sure having your cousin close by is cool beans. I know if mine left ca I'd be in a confused, lost hiatus. sincerely-B. fish
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear cariguuuuullloooooaaaa (caligula), Zomg. Asap. I work on tuesdays 2-10 pm and sat 7 am-3pm. Maybe sat might be a good day. We can go to the marshall!! escited-B. fish
  14. I've been putting agave nectar in my yogurt or oatmeal, mix it with some blue berries. It's the dealio.
  15. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear oregon/ grey hound Be nice to me. I has no cousin to accompany me this time. Oh and no warm coat. Layered- B. fish
  16. Lightnin' Hopkins- You is one black rat
  17. Black moth super rainbow- Twin of myself.
  18. I am adopted. My g-ma adopted me when I was 15 because she was afraid CPS was gonna take us because we been in her home too long as foster kids. Oh and when we were foster kids...its like what you said the social worker comes once a month or every 6 months to make sure the living conditions are cool beans. But after I was adopted I never saw them again. So I think its different if you're adopted. Stuffs suppose to be final then? No more hassle with CPS?
  19. Woody Guthrie- The biggest thing that man has ever done
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