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Everything posted by yonis

  1. lol.. yea lets all eat some molly blow a little k drop some acid and blow oxy at the end of the night to wrap it all up sounds great.
  2. Re: Bush says Kanye West's "doesn't care about black people" was worst time of his Preside given the circumstances of what happened in the past 10 years i would like to see you do better. i live in the real world? not any fantasy sorry. kanye is a prime example of an ungreatful nig.
  3. i can't believe i just watched that but i do wanna hit a local show.
  4. one day... if anyone wants to get down after the winter shoot a pm
  5. day in the lyfe and art of story telling
  6. which rays? there's like twenty of them. the one on housten not so good. l'esquina is mad heady. kenmar and cleveland/lafayette
  7. two booootssss so heady or johns pizza or lombardis if yu can ha. there's this place on broome between orchard and ludlow that has 3$ rolls that are actually pretty good, it's from like 330 to some random time. and if you want a good drunken dessert, crepe place on ludlow btwn stanton and rivington. then run around subway tunnels and go to museums.
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