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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. His house is on old old house (paid off) iin the middle of gutter ass downtown, you wouldn't know it from sitting out there. He, who happens to be attracted to the same sex (as presumed in my props)..did the yard 2 yrs ago. It is fucking awesome, with the running creek and ponds, and other stuff I didnt get pics of. On the other hand....yes, she does have a nice "backyard"..and if you have ever followed the photohunt thread..I have posted it in there before.. Dont know if I still have it posted. But she mooned me at work, and spread em. (ill look for it later) But while you're in there looking for it...take down the list and post up =)
  2. they made me .. Another late night..early work day..came home. puzzle that needs glued. shit is like 4 ft by 2 & 1/2. much bigger than I thought, had to break off corners to fit on table. decided to walk away from it.... home alone, put these in some water. Light some candles After this post...im gonna do this. and crawl iinto this nighty night
  3. last few days.. my bro came over with my niece & her baby. said baby. 8 mo. he's a tank went to friend's house to work on album/scrapbook for our another friend's birthday. these fools wanted to help. Marley. Darla Was there way too late. woke up next day,ate. get ready for work. Work. (also need photo for profile on website) Came home, made strawberries for friends birthday gathering. tried to get creative..but failed..so i got silly Grabbed gift..headed out. Saw Elvis on the way there. Birthday boy (50) and friend. Half of his backyard.
  4. If you were smarter, I'd probably be nicer (sounds like some shit off of a t-shirt or something..but my co-worker says it, and everyday I find it more and more applicable to people)
  5. Oh, Cali.. Yes the beepers..-in the metal detectors. ( I didn't word that correctly) Is it too late to say all the brain damage caused extreme blonde moments? (I'll stop kidding myself, I know that shit comes naturally) Im sure you, with your smart self figured that out. One day when I take the time to put it digitally, I'm gonna post up the parts of the video of the surgery. At the time, they only did that shit with VHS..hahaha shit sounds ancient.Yes, I requested it, it's not too often you get to see the inside of your dome. The DRs had jokes about taking 2 hrs longer to drill thru my skull, because i was thickheaded. me?..really? PS..take Suki up on her offer..sounds like fun. I hope you all have a great weekend. Congrats RED...BfFISH and DA BEARS wish you all the best. DoubleX
  6. Dear caring folks of 12. 8 yrs ago today I had my brain tumor removed. I have 100% hearing loss on my left side & ringing still as if I was at a concert last night. I had to learn how to walk again, and have never recovered my ability to smile. I lost my balance, so I still walk as if I need a field sobriety test. I've had my head cut open 3 times & have had 150 staples in and out of my dome, and a sheet of titanium mesh that covers 1/4 of my head to try to support my missing mastoid bone, and hold together everything upstairs) and a gold plate in my eyelid. I still make it thru airports withuot setting off the beepers. I rang up a hefty bill of 2.5 mil with my insurance co. Life is soo fucking good, and I would live that shit al over again, to learn what I have learned since. Don't take the little things for granted. I just felt like sharing. -B- ps. there is no "light"..and no one was waiting for me. haha
  7. found the shortcut in a local musem
  8. Dear people of this thread, To make up for making you look at the hairy gooch, I also found this pic... hope you forgive me. eS eM
  9. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** good list next page bump... can we get a date?
  10. Dear someone with a bigger imagination than myself, My girlfriend at work gave me her card from her phone to pull some pictuires off it for a little project. I came across this picture, and am puzzled. She does do waxing, (face and body), so it's obvious this is hairy body parts getting waxed...but I'm not sure which part. Anyone recognize this? I have an idea, but something still doesnt look right.
  11. true a few people. I sit here doing nothing, then 3 at a time hit me up. so is life. TPBM spends too much time on youtube
  12. False.Stephen Colbert TPBM wears their favorite team's shirt while watching football
  13. Dear BBShoes, Is that a compliment? I've never seen that show. Let me help you with that..Not wierd, just a wee bit off. I do something that takes less work cuz im lazy like that..nails..woohoo. Add a few Lbs, over a foot of hair, make it black, add a few tattoos and there you have me. I dont know what her personality is like, but I have a stank ass perosnality and have been called more names than my birthmother gave me. maybe i'll send u more of a visual aide. have a good night XXL
  14. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** Rolf picks who makes the next list.
  15. MN, Ill send ya some, no problem. Im sure i could find it quicker than you.. Tell me where to go.. XXL
  16. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** nice to see all who posted.. i see the evil rabbit above. anymore??
  17. Dearest MN.. I have always heard that AVON's product SKIN SO SOFT was origianlly made for repellant...but there was something with regulations..(or whatever) that they couldnt market it as such. People I work around, or clients of the shop swear by it when travelling. We dont get too many mosquitos here so I wouldnt kow exactly. But you really have nothing to lose because of the product. Except a lil pride in finding yourself an Avon rep..haha. Im sure you could order online though. Ive even heard that a good intake of Niacin helps deter mosquitos, but it cause hot flushes in the face/body. Good luck. SM
  18. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** ARCH COPPER INCONVENIENCE TICKET DRINK SCAR-about 2/3 of it---had brain tumor removed. Not too bad of a scar for being opened 3 times. BAR LETTERING IGNITED BALOON NEON CHALK
  19. CONGRATUALTIONS RED. wish you all the luck..sincerely.
  20. opted for the beach last time.. but i mean it this time.
  21. Bige D, I haven't came across one yet..and I'm sure I could because tha MGM is having a Luche Libre wrestling tournement this weekend... HOWEVER.. i am again skippin town for a few days. I'll keep my eyes open in AZ for one. sorry for slackin SM
  22. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! not mine..but my girlfriend's cat,Winston serious Winston is serious
  23. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** im about half done. im game.
  24. haha..yes. I'm down like 4 flats on a dump truck Ill come to you...Vegas is too small.
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