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Everything posted by pedoe

  1. junior mints? anything with chocolate and mint sounds awful
  2. shouldnt this be closed by now?
  3. might be a thread worth making, currently munchin on my 2nd one of these good shit. any favorite candies or sweets worth bumping?? post em'.
  4. page 138 is quite horrible with the exception of piers
  5. whats up with all these ikids posting threads like crazy and yes you can. just twist the cap off.
  6. this dude sounds like hes 7.....
  7. augor. nekst. begr. already better...
  8. fuckkkkkkk finally so pumped for this
  9. throwing a family reunion/fiesta for the moms. anybody got plans for mothers day?
  10. one of the bay area's best...zacharys
  11. It was my Mom's birthday yesterday and the family went out to eat. I realized how much stuff moms do, sacrifice and put up with for the majority of their life for us. Moms are just the best, Happy Birthday Mom! Mother's day is right around the corner too. Post up any stories of y'all moms coming through for y'all, show the motherly love.
  12. Looks yummy...but paper plates??? You campin'??? paper plates are whats up. you dont have to wash anything and theyre recyclable
  13. pedoe


    hasnt come out. i doubt it ever will. ive been hoping but its been a year and no news on it.
  14. Re: What's The Last Movie You Saw The Sequel was just about to post this. it was...interesting. this bitch was hella dumb
  15. those are the wal mart stock tips...
  16. pedoe


    i think youre talking about one of these 2...maybe..?
  17. nice one douchebag.. .RIP Optimist's dad.
  18. Re: What's The Last Movie You Saw The Sequel
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