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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. i did not it was my first time in mtl, and ive yet to learn any of the little tricks throughout the city, except a few menial ones we didnt rent them we couldve covered more ground, but we wanted to walk & not miss out
  2. you should see the soles on these shoes flipflop status
  3. their system the returning trip was another 6 hours of moo dogs, nowhere to be found in this photo dinner things i didnt/couldnt photograph -the clerk was probably trying to play us (obvious tourists) anyway, but he was going on about a law, saying the minimal purchase of cigars/bluntwraps/etc. was a $10 worth -it was suspect when noone was pulling out wallets after finishing & the waitress was lording over us, waiting for our next move. my friend asked for another glass of water & it was the hilariously perfect break we needed. ive never laughed so hard while running so fast, people mustve thought i was insane -maybe it was coincidence & we were lucky everytime, but it seems like the transit workers here couldnt care less if you hopped the turnstile -strangers or not, the people here are generally kind towards each other. it threw me off, but i appreciated it. i imagine its the norm outside of toronto hope you enjoyed these as much as i have suffered through them
  4. returned from a trip to mtl almost missed our bus due to my mediocre photography eating up time hours of this followed by an unimpressive rest stop arrival & confusion at the metro assorted photos taken during the begining/middle of the week ate a poutine (mandatory) old dude fighting the power sex of superpower proportions much more fun than the gallery next door, i didnt want to leave this court/square/w.e. id be somewhat satisfied with this shot, if the street light wasnt obstructing that fomer the corporate tower ominously looming in sync is clearly undeniable proof that the end is near went to an arcade. the loser running this place is a serious cunt & the games sucked many of these every couple of hours coin-operated bike rental. this is the future renegade seagull looking down on man's law & shitting on head nearing the end of the week. little bud with no money & food. our situation quickly deteriorated into a survival-based, rack-as-you-need method if anything i could say that this cab was rare but i thought nah, forget it, i wasnt born with downs so i know this cant be the same wandering in the rain wearing dirtyasfuck clothes & bags for socks, with a huge rip in my shirt from a bummer fence racked this. some retard put it in a freezer after everyone passed out
  5. damn weapon, a ttc jacket? nice grab ive wanted a blue driver cap for too long
  6. ah seen that map is a keeper fer sure i have a few collectables myself, but nothing of that magnitude in historic value
  7. my hat looks clean, but it really fucking stinks
  8. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD play him off, keyboard cat!
  9. old graveyards are badass the ones they have/had? in new orleans are insane voodoo queens & all
  10. im fried, eating green tea ice cream, & watching people argue via internet life is swell
  11. MedicineCabinet


    if you like side scrollers/havent already played, try any of the metal slugs, you wont regret it there are so many different environments/bosses/weapons/enemies/etc. these screenshots dont do justice at all
  12. zebra, if hes any good at skating, buy him a blank he'll understand
  13. sweet science fair photos chocula that giant mousetrap board is too awesome & nice hat suki. your pugs are always amusing
  14. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD squirrel cat & flashback dog ftw
  15. most, if not all of the music on youtube is gone
  16. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD gotta hand it to him for knowing how to impress the ladies :lol:
  17. duffel is a pro, so what i say obviously makes zero difference in his career & the fact that he will be successful through skating than i will ever hope to be, so technically i guess im "hating" but that has nothing to do with the fact that for the most part (i have seen him pull some credible tricks though), he's a mediocre skater feeding off a gimmick. there are so many younger & humble kids coming up that run circles around him at a large portion of his age, & even though that is expected in every following generation, they are focused on the skating itself rather than the image just saying, id much rather see people like mo kill harder while dressed like a scrub, than watching duffel film every shitty handrail he does with his leather/cheeta-print/tight pants acting like a "punk" as far as i know, real punks dont come from places named walnut creek
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