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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. wind flowing around your junk while skating in shorts is great less sweat less stank hitting your shins hurt, but way worse things can happen anyway
  2. sooki you shouldve ripped out one of those fake gold coins that arent as well attached! & whats with that stone with the kel hand, you found that? random nice post
  3. ive only skimmed through this thread for the most part, my fault on that drawball one also that completely shits on mine i accept defeat
  4. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! great page, bump dogs standing on a fire hydrant!
  5. that battle was won before it even begun mike v does his thing though
  6. shitty hackjob done in ms paint while eating ice cream (it doesnt make a difference because im still bad at ps), but there it is
  7. i hear ya incidents like that usually end up as a harsh reality check & bruised egos for rent-a-cops you just gotta remind them youre half their age, have a better job, still know how to have fun like a kid, & that girls are impressed by skating, but not old losers whove failed multiple pig psychological screenings :)
  8. +props for the world-famous spot that ill probably never skate/aquarium
  9. happy canada day to all canuck oontzers another hungover workday tomorrow
  10. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD you guys wont let me have this one huh? :huh: either way, i think we can agree lions rule
  11. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD i didnt realize :lol: apart from that, same deal
  12. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD it was a fuzzy hug, but he was forced into it. that lion couldve ripped out the back of his head the guy knew he was simba's bitch from the get go & its probably a good thing he stayed still hes now got a story about almost being raped from the other side of the cage by a lion to slur when hes hammered, good for him
  13. yellow dress girl next to the cock cakes is hot assuming she doesnt have her own
  14. lol at him impressing the crowd by dropping down a foot.5 ledge
  15. classified's post - DAO approved children's pants, fall catalogue
  16. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD that guy in the interrogating room understands the meaning of death before dishonor
  17. regrowing toe/nails from scratch is a horrible experience i feel bad for you
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