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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. cereal or sloppy joes.. leaning towards cereal
  2. yeah, its disingenuous as fuck. its pretty much like that koth episode, the texas panhandler lol; its no way to live. these gypsies who beg somewhat close by are suspect also.. probably drive nice cars & shit :rolleyes: seen some fucked up people in wheelchairs (who knows if theyre faking that part or not, but regardless) be straight up wheeled to a spot by some scum lookin fuck who dips & probably returns to wheel them back in for that sweet change. this characters definitely got multiple people doing that for him in an area he can walk back & forth to from during rush hour. unless hes got a whip, then he can have like 30 dudes begging for him at once lol. what a fuckin life
  3. turtle van word, that is encouraging, though id still like to play some by the book games & shit also. d&d life
  4. "i see now that the circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant.. it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are" -mewtwo, as quoted in a gif posted while back
  5. thanks yo. crunch was good, but definitely not something one should eat often
  6. It actually got worse. It went from oral sex between two consenting adults to two vandals bisecting, dismembering, and disemboweling one of their young and then dumping their own pureed excrement inside of its scraped-out body cavity for the purposes of a cannibalistic feast.
  7. i hear its actually a suppository
  8. "when deep space exploration ramps up, itll be the corporations that name everything: the ibm stellar sphere, the microsoft galaxy, planet starbucks."
  9. shit was good.. kinda salty, but good
  10. real talk, imma make peggy hills frito pie for first time for lunch. no wolf brand chili, though. gonna top it off with a bit of sour cream /nh
  11. king of the hill is still "laugh out loud" funny
  12. would not mind some gummy bears or the like but fuck that.. looking to reduce my sugar intake. again
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