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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. sounds like that dream bastard deserved it shouting into cyberspace alone (not counting the bots & lurkers) passing/signing out.. lateryalls
  2. poutine.. then a chicken burrito on the way back eating the last slice of cold pizza now
  3. was thoroughly stoked on that video when it came out.. still gangster as fuck
  4. just woke up from countless crazy dreams in a row.. id have one retarded one before going into another, talking to the few people i recognized from the dream prior about what just happened inception
  5. biological clocks all fucked up.. need2nap b r b
  6. poor fuckin billy.. id work at a subway before resorting to that
  7. pizza last night prior to passing out think imma have a few cold slices in a bit
  8. wings & fries combo have a canker sore right now, so every bite with the tangy bbq sauce was a jolt of pain.. delicious, barbequey pain
  9. false tpbm remembers their first beer
  10. lurking flickr... heres a find - http://www.flickr.com/photos/torontofurry/
  11. false, it aint me tpbm would rail a line of their friends ashes as per their dying wish
  12. a cold drink out of a hot glass is a strange experience restaurants of the future will implement this idea into profit some crazy tpwf restaurant. maybe not so tpwf, idk
  13. @ "i have no idea what i am doing"
  14. live fast, die not too old (but still have gotten wrinkly) gonna shower
  15. malcolm in the middle, stralia life is unfair
  16. false, but im not above/opposed to it tpbm would spit in a celebrity chefs meal
  17. dang lol straight up, being an outlaw cowboy in those times woulda been pretty sweet except for the guaranteed death at under 30
  18. clearly youve never ollied subway tracks in philly while sneaking up on a writer with a glass cheesesteak
  19. y thank you they let you collect dog hides in that? so wrong yet so gnarly ye olde west
  20. false. havent owned a console in a few years tpbm was the star problem child on brat camp
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